Once Cousins, Now Brothers

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Here is my second story. I was watching Kingsman: The Golden Circle yesterday and just hated what they did to Agent Whiskey. I thought he deserved better or at least a more fleshed out backstory. So here's the idea I had. Meh...
Please note that I own NOTHING!
The Kingmen and the Statesmen watched the news as the new President took the stage promising help for those affected by Poppy's scheme and vows to do better than her predecessor.

Satisfied Champ turned off the TV and turned to the Kingsmen. "Damn fine job y'all did out there. It's a shame about Whiskey. He was a damn fine agent. But I reckon y'all are ready to head home to rebuild."

"Not sure where to start," Eggsy shrugged. "But I'm sure we'll figure it out."

"You'll be happy to know that we combined all our resources with yours!" Champ pointed at the screen showing the Statesman stocks skyrocketing along with a new "Kingsman" brand.
"Once cousins," Sodapop clapped Eggsy on the shoulder. "Now Brothers. This should be enough to rebuild the Kingsman to its former self or even make it better."

Galahad Sr. raised a glass to Champ. "We're grateful. There's a lot of work to be done, but it'll be easier knowing we have help."

Champ nodded and looked at the rest of the board members through his glasses. "There's another piece of business we need to address. Now that Jack has been removed as Whiskey, the spot is open to any takers." Champ turned to Sodapop. "You've more than proved yourself as a Statesman and we'd be honored for you to take that spot."

Sodapop looked around the table at all the smiling faces. Many of them he knew since childhood and others he met at the Rodeo. All held great pride in their eyes as they waited for his response. It was everything he ever wanted. But he knew that it wasn't his time just yet. "If it's all the same to you Champ, there's someone here who I think deserves a shot." He turned to Gingers and nodded.

Ginger smiled and straightened her back. "Sir, I'd like to throw my hat in the ring."

Champ smiled and poured himself another drink. "Well, I'll be! Let's hear it for Agent Whiskey!"

The board members raised their glasses to Ginger, now Whiskey, and welcomed her to her seat at the table. Champ watched the now healed Tequila knocking back another shot and shook his head. "Now that we're at it, Tequila, it's about time you learned some manners. I'm sending you with the Kingsmen back to London. Maybe there's a chance they can make you a gentleman."

Sodapop laughed, "Gonna take more than a purdy suit to turn Tequila into a fancy man."

Everyone had a good laugh at Tequila's expense as he nudged Sodapop with a laugh. Everything felt lighter, easier. Everyone knew the Kingsmen and a long way to go but everyone was assured that they wouldn't do it alone. Galahad Sr. surveyed the room at the smiling holograms and present Statesmen in the room and felt his heart sink a little. It brought back memories of the Round Table and all the friends and recruits that came and went throughout the years. It just really hit him that all that was left of the Round Table was him and Eggsy. His eye landed on Sodapop smiling with the rest of the group. He had his doubts about this young man, especially when he had justifiable suspicion of Whiskey. But throughout every mission, Sodapop kept a level head, adapted to the situation, and protected the mission at any cost. With that in mind, he stepped forward and cleared his throat to get the room's attention. "Since we're filling positions, I'd like to offer a spot with the Kingsman to Rhett."

There was a pause. Sodapop turned to the Kingman with hopeful eyes. "Really?"

He nodded and offered a hand. "The Round Table is always looking for a few good men and women to take a seat."

Rhett looked to Champ who smiled proudly and nodded in return. He knew that even if things didn't work out in England, he always had a home with The Statesmen. Rhett straightened and took Glahad Sr's hand. With a firm shake he nodded. "I'll be happy to." With more cheering everyone raised a glass for new and improved Statesmen and Kingsman agencies.

After the meeting was over and everyone went their separate ways, Rhett knew he had to make a final stop before shipping off to England. The Statesmen had their own supermax prison for some of the more dangerous adversaries the agency faced. Champ took pity on him and allowed him an in-person visit to say goodbye. He just had to be severely dressed down with zero Statesmen gear. Not that he would help his Pa escape, but it was just a precaution. Rhett nervously paced the bare room they were given as he waited for the Statesmen to bring his father. He tried to find the right words to explain his choice to leave The Statesmen for The Kingsman. All he's ever wanted was to follow in his father's footsteps. He just hoped his Pa wouldn't take the move as a sign of their relationship.

"You keep pacing and you'll wear a hold in the ground." his Pa's voice chuckled.

Rhett turned around and took long strides to reach his father and pull him into a tight hug. His father was shocked at first fearing his son's loathing, but quickly returned the embracing. He fought the tears as he whispered "I'm sorry" into his son's hair. He slowly let go of his son and looked at him. There were some healing bruises but altogether Rhett looked healthy and alive.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

Rhett nodded. "Some cuts and bruising, but I'm ok." he looked away and sighed. "Pa, why'd you do it?"

His father looked away ashamed. "I saw a way to end it all. All the drug dealers and the idiots would keep them in business. Without people like that, we'd still have your Mama. We'd still be a family."

"Oh, Pa." he looked at him sadly. "You gotta let Mama rest. She wouldn't want any of this."

"I know," he sighed. "I know I should've let her go a long time ago, but when you love someone the way I loved her, You'll understand." he straightened his back. "I don't regret my choice. I just regret that I disappointed you."

There was an awkward silence before Rhett decided to rip off the bandaid. "I wanted to tell you myself that...I'm going to England with The Kingsmen."

His father stiffened. "You're...what?"

Rhett sighed. "They need help rebuilding their agency and Galahad Sr offered me a spot. I'm taking it."

"So Champ isn't giving you my spot?" he frowned.

"No, Pa." Rhett squeezed his shoulder. "I chose not to take it. It's not about you. I just...I just want to go somewhere I can do some real good."

"You can do real good here." Jack looked at his son sadly. "What if it don't work out?"

Rhett smiled. "Champ said there's always a place here if I want to come back."

The Former Agent Whiskey looked at his son and was surprised that he didn't see the little boy he protected over the years. Long gone was the boy with skinned knees hugging his little bear. The man who stood before him was strong, kind, and more importantly, forgiving. Champ told him Rhett wanted to visit, he was afraid this would be the moment he lost his son completely. He tried his best being an example to his son but he ultimately failed when he let his hate and grief win the day. Here was his son forgiving him for his actions and finding the courage to leave. He realized how much he held Rhett back throughout his life. Now he understood he needed to let go.

"Well I'll be," he said with a smile. "You grew up, son. You grew up."

Rhett chuckled. "It had to happen at some point."

The atmosphere softened and the two spent the rest of the visit talking shop and sharing advice. They understood they would be in contact as often as they used to but Champ wasn't opposed to a call now and then. They held each other tight and wished each other the best. When Jack returned to his cell, he found the old worn Statesmen teddy bear waiting for him. Jack took the bear and held it close to his chest as he laid down on his bed. As strange as it was, he felt peace that he had never known before. He took a deep breath and smiled.

He'll be just fine. He thought as he welcomed blissful sleep.
Holy crap guy! I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates on this one. I'm total trash when it comes to ideas. I just can't stop creating new stories. I just can't say no! Thank you to all the readers who have stuck with me. I greatly appreciate your patience. If you like my work, please check out what else I've written.

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