Cabin in the Woods

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Here is my second story. I was watching Kingsman: The Golden Circle yesterday and just hated what they did to Agent Whiskey. I thought he deserved better or at least a more fleshed out backstory. So here's the idea I had. Meh...
Please note that I own NOTHING!

The Statesman and Kingsman arrived at the Italian mountain ready to track down the antidote and save the world. Just another and another mission for the group of spies. Sodapop stayed close to Galahad Senior while Eggsy and Whiskey took the lift to the secret lab on top of the mountain. Galahad Senior was the first to enter the security room and fired a small dart from his watch at the lone security guard...the dart missed. Before the guard could react, Sodapop shot his own dart causing the guard to crumble to the floor. Sodapop noticed Galahad's gloomy expression and motioned for the Kingsman to take the lead. "I wouldn't worry about it too much. Your depth perception is off." He offered the Kingsman an encouraging smile. "Nothing a little target practice can't fix."

Galahad Senior nodded and moved forward gaining access to the security systems. The two spies observed their counterparts move forward with the mission. Sodapop chuckled at Eggsy's quip about "whatever happens in Glastonbury, stays in Glastonbury".

"Always has to have the last word, huh?" Sodapop smirked at his partner.

Galahad Senior smiled and nodded. "All the time. Never gets old."

The next thing Sodapop knew, Galahad's face blanked out as he looked toward the ceiling. Sodapop followed his gaze but didn't see anything. He heard over comms that Galahad and Whiskey needed a quick escape but Galahad Senior was ignoring the pleas for help and began swatting at the invisible butterflies. Sodapop quickly tapped away at the computer allowing their friends to make their escape with the lift.

"Snap out of it, Galahad!" Sodapop pleaded.

Harry shook his head and turned his attention back to the computer. In that moment, Sodapop saw how badly Galahad Sr. just wanted to move on with the mission. He decided not to comment on it, but he needed to bring it up to Merlin and Ginger later. The two spies watched the screen and saw how someone had overridden to protocols and locked them out. To their dismay, they had to watch the lift spin out of control. The two spies desperately clicked away at the computer trying to help their friends but it was out of their hands.

"I've lost all control! Eggsy, you're on your own." Galahad said.

As the two spies watched their comrades slowly succumb to unconsciousness, Sodapop noticed Whiskey dig into he pocket yank out his collapsible whip. Once activated, the laser whip cut a hole in the lift and as it swung around cut the cable causing it to fall. Like a giant pendulum, the swung down and crashed into the tower that was holding the lift's cable. The lift threw Eggsy and Whiskey around the inside. The lift crashed into the snow and slid down the mountain straight toward an elderly community. Sodapop and Galahad Sr. held their breath as Eggsy was quick to use Whiskey's parachute to slow them down.

"Let's head to the safe house." Sodapop suggested.

Galahad Sr. nodded and informed the Eggsy that they had their location and they were headed to the safe house.

The march to the cabin in the woods was long and quiet but Sodapop was eager to get his hands on the antidote to analyze. He observed Galahad Sr. throughout the journey. He had a sense of dread picking at the back of his mind. Something was wrong with the Kingsman and he wasn't referring to the phantom butterflies.
They finally reached the cabin and found Eggsy and Whiskey examining the cure for the disease eating away at so many.

"LOOK OUT!" Whiskey shouted as he grabbed Eggsy and pulled him from the gunfire tearing the safe house apart.

Sodapop took shelter by next to Galahad Sr. while Whiskey took shelter next to Eggsy. To everyone's dismay, the antidote had smashed to the floor along with any hope of save those affected by the blue rash. As the bullets tore apart the cabin, Sodapop made eye contact with Whiskey.

Giving each other a nod, Whiskey smirked at Eggsy. "They're loading. We'll go fix their wagons!" and the two Statesmen charged their attackers.

Eggsy was about to follow when Galahad Sr. stopped him. Sodapop wielded his Winchester rifle dodging and knocking over the mercenaries while Whiskey shot down his targets with a flourish of his pistols.

"Where the hell are the Kingsman?!" Sodapop exclaimed.

"Let's just focus on the bad guys, please!"

Once it came down to just Whiskey and one Golden Circle member, Whiskey pulled out his lasso igniting the laser mechanism. The cocky mercenary pulled his knife and charged the Statesman. With a flock of his wrists, Whiskey cut the man in half. Sodapop smiles with pride until he saw reinforcements. He flagged Whiskey down and headed back to the cabin.

"Thank fucking Christ we didn't need backup!" Whiskey sarcastically growled. He began digging through Galahad Sr.'s bag looking for weapons while Sodapop took cover next to Eggsy. "I'm outta ammo! What do ya got?"

"Shit! There's a fuck ton of 'em!" Sodapop stared wide-eyed out the shattered window.

"It looks like you packed for a slumber party, not a mission!" Whiskey was baffled. His son was most likely going to be torn to pieces if he didn't find a way out of this soon. He glared at Galahad Sr and noticed that he was distracted. Whiskey snapped his fingers to get his attention. "Hey! Butterfly Guy!"

He stood up and squinted at the Kingsman. "Looks like Ginger didn't fix you right...I said I'm empty!" He made a motion toward Galahad's gun. "Gimme yours!"

The two senior agents stared at each other. One sizing up the other as if daring each other to blink first. Eggsy and Sodapop looked back and forth from their mentors to the impending danger outside the cabin. Whiskey made the first move toward the gun in Harry's hand but Harry didn't hesitate in pulling the trigger.

"HARRY, NO!" Eggsy shouted.

Sodapop felt his heart smash into the center of the earth when he saw his Pa laying on the floor bleeding. Every cell in his body scream and implored him to run to his Pa's body, but one thought crossed his mind...

Mission First

"GET DOWN!" Sodapop grabbed Eggsy and pulled him down. As the bullets tore through the cabin Eggsy shouted at Harry.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"He broke the vile on purpose!" Harry shouted as he dug through his bag.

"You're out of control!"

"If I didn't shoot him first, he was going to kill all of us!"

"From the looks of it, he didn't have to!" Sodapop shouted back.

"Oh ye of little faith!" Harry rolled his eye as he found a piece of Kingsman equipment to use. He clicked the trigger and threw what looked like a bottle of cologne. Sodapop heard a loud BOOM then quickly crawled to Whiskey to apply the Alpha Gel.

"You're still not off the fucking hook!" Eggsy exclaimed as he kneeled next to Sodapop and ignored Harry saying something about "going dark". Once he saw that Whiskey was stable, Eggsy contacted Merlin and Ginger.

"Merlin, Whiskey has been shot." Eggsy sighed.

"What? What happened?"

There was an eerie pause where no one knew exactly how to explain this, but Sodapop made the decision for them.

"He got caught in the crossfire." Sodapop lies. "I applied the Alpha Gel. But there's more bad news...we lost the antidote."

"Whiskey's stable," Eggsy added, "But I'm going to need another way up that mountain to get another sample."

Just as he finished his sentence, that ground shook and the trio heard a loud explosion coming from the top of the mountain. They looked up and saw Poppy's facility explode into a fiery mess.

Sodapop went back inside and kneeled next to his Pa. it felt like everything was falling apart. They were so close to finding an antidote and saving everyone. But all they had to show for it was a demolished facility, his Pa with a bullet in his head, and a Kingsman with phantom butterflies. All their hopes now rested on a single name:

Wu Ting Feng
Holy crap guy! I sincerely apologize for the lacka of updates on this one. I'm total trash when it comes to ideas. I just can't stop creating new stories. I just can't say no! Thank you to all the readers who have stuck with me. I greatly appreciate your patience. If you like my work, please check out what else I've written.

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