"Noted." Eggsy chuckled. "You taggin' along?"

"Wouldn't miss it." Soda turned to Whiskey. "See you soon."

The ride to Poppyland was a little awkward to say the least. Merlin was in the cockpit making sure they arrived at their destination, Galahad Jr and Sr kept to the bar, and Sodapop sat comfortably on a couch fiddling with his Statesman bear's sheriff badge. He always kept it in his pocket as a good luck charm especially when he enlisted. Eggsy seeing Sodapop lost in his thoughts, he made a drink and moved to sit with him. Galahad Sr. stayed at the bar and observed his protégé interact with the Statesman.

"So, what's with you and Whiskey?" Eggsy asked as he passed a glass to Sodapop.

With one hand Sodapop accepted the drink and with the other hand he continued to fidget with the little badge. "He taught me everything I know about being a Statesman." He nodded toward Galahad Sr. "Kinda like you two, I reckon."

"I hope you can be focused on the task at hand." Galahad Sr. stated seriously.

"Come on, Harry." Eggsy sighed.

"You're not gonna get a rise outta me." Sodapop locked eyes with Galahad Sr. "The most important lesson a Statesman is taught is that that mission always comes first. You wanna dance when this is over? I'll be your huckleberry. But only when this is over."

Galahad Sr tilted his head in respect then turned his attention to the Soda's hands. "You've been fiddling with that this whole trip."

"Oh this?" Soda tossed it to Galahad Sr. who caught it with ease. "It's my good luck charm. I always take it with me on a mission."

Galahad smiled and tossed it back. "It's always good to have a bit of extra luck in your back pocket."

Merlin came out of the cockpit as Sodapop tucked his little badge in his breast pocket. "Gentleman, let's suit up." With a switch the table and walls converted to racks of weapons and Kingman gear. Sodapop quietly sat and watched the Kingsmen collect their gear until Merlin furrowed his brow. "You're not going to grab some gear?"

"Wouldn't want to presume." He shrugged.

"Besides, Ginger set me up with some gear."

"You mean your skipping rope?" Eggsy smirked.

Sodapop rolled his eyes. "It's called a lasso."


"Regardless." Merlin smiled and pulled out a box.

"I took the liberty of fixin' a Kingman watch for you. You'll find an updated taser dart and sleep dart, a communicator, GPS with the team's location..."

"Does it come with HBO too?" Sodapop chuckled and accepted the box. "Thank you, Merlin."

"We're in this together." He nodded. "Oh! And you're more than welcome to take any of the firearms and grenades that you see."

"Oh thanks!" Soda reached for a rifle, but Merlin quickly snatched it.

"Hands off. This one's mine." The Kingsmen and Statesman laughed and put together their battle plan as the jet swiftly carried them to Poppyland.

Jack was confused.

It was like he was living a memory and a fantasy at the same time. He was in his car driving home to his high school sweetie. To his dismay he saw the Statesman bear in the passenger seat and immediately knew this was the day she was taken from him. This was the day his son almost died. He gripped the steering wheel tight preparing to see the police waiting for him in his driveway. To his surprise there was no one there. Just his wife's car. He quickly parked the car, grabbed the little stuffed bear, and ran inside.

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