Chapter 7-Austin's Special Move

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The man who calls himself Tauntless surrounds us. I feel suffocated for a brief moment, the I hit solid ground. Hard. I groan slightly as I push myself up. "Damn it!" I mutter to myself when I see all of the villains around me. There has to be at least twenty. I notice two other students around me. Lightning boy and shadows. Or, at least, that's what I call them.
"Ow!" lightning boy groans loudly.
"Ugh! Well, that was painful," shadows mutters.
"Shadows, lightning boy, I'm pretty sure we're in the landslide zone," I say, watching the villains. "And also, we're kinda surrounded," I add after a pause.
"Are you serious?" lightning boy asks, sitting up fully.
"And you know we have names, Senshi," shadows chides.
"Yeah, I know. I just don't take the time to learn everyone's names," I state simply. "But seriously, we are surrounded."
"Well, then," lightning boy mumbles. I stare at the nearest villain. He looks like he has heat vision. I'm guessing because his eyes look like Christmas lights.
"What do you want with us?" shadows asks the Christmas lights villain bluntly.
"Most of us just want to kill anything and everyone, but the doctor does have a goal in mind!" the villain responds.
"Goal?" ligntning boy questions.
"Yes, but seeing as you will be dead soon, it doesn't matter," the villain states.
"You sure about that?" I inquire.
"Senshi!" shadows yells, anticipating my movement. Too late. I'm already running. Fire engulfs my hands. I put a burst of
flames under my feet that send me flying through the air toward Christmas lights. His eyes turn from their Christmas light green color to an even dumber looking Christmas light red. I realize that he does, in fact, have heat vision. I push my flames from both hands to one so I can avoid his blast. He almost gets me. "Heat vision, eh? Nice trick," I taunt.
"Ah, yes. My trick. And what can you do? Produce flames? Pathetic!" Christmas lights spits.
"Oh, pathetic? I'll show you pathetic, you bastard!" I shout angrily. I rush to him. Several villains block my path. I laugh.
I blast myself into the air, soaring above the villains. I blast several as I fly over them. Their screams only encourage me to keep going. I remind myself that these people are attacking us. It's not evil if it's defense, right?
Right! Besides, I don't have time to second guess myself! Not now at least.
Christmas lights charges his quirk. I easily dodge, blasting myself behind him. I don't anticipate his quick reflexes. He spins around and fires at me.
"Look out!" I hear shadows yell. I duck instinctively. Good thing, too, because a shadow comes over my head and uppercuts the guy. The shadow then envelopes me. "Don't struggle. It's just me," shadows assures me.
"Austin, now!" I hear shadows yell, although it sounds rather muffled.
"This is going to hurt!" Austin shouts. His voice also sounds muffled. It must be shadows' shadow. Wow. That's redundant. A shock ripples through my body. I groan at the stabbing pain. However, as quickly as it came, it vanished. The shadow disappears from over me. The pain is still slightly there, like little needles pricking my skin. Shadows is standing not far away from me.
I look around in shock. Literally all of the villains are sprawled out on the ground. I turn to shadows, my mouth slightly agape.
"Not me, him," she quickly states when she notices my staring. I turn to Austin. My shock and impression turns to confusion quickly.
"Is he alright?" I ask.
"Oh, Austin? Yeah, he just went over his limits. One point seven million volts, if I heard correctly," shadows explains.
"What's his limit?" I inquire.
"Not sure. But, his backlash is once he goes over his limit he gets rather, well," shadows says.
"Stupid," I say bluntly.
"Yeah. That's all I know," shadows says. She turns to me. "I'm Kim by the way."
"Right. Sorry about the nickname. I just don't take the time," I explain.
"I get that," Kim replies. "I did that at my old school. Then again, all the kids there were assholes."
I nod. "We should head to the others. I hope everyone is back at the entrance by now," I say.
"Same," Kim mutters. She sighs. "Austin! Come here, bud!" she calls over to Austin like he's a child. It seems to work. Austin runs over to her, tripping halfway to her but quickly getting back up. "Take my hand," Kim tells him. He dumbly obliges. "Let's go," Kim mumbles. We then begin to make our way back to the entrance. From here I can see the ice and fire from Mr. Todoroki.
"Here we go," I think. I sigh. "I know I hate them, but god, let Alie be alright."

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