Chapter 8-Kicking Ass

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With Austin in tow, Kim and I make our journey back to the entrance. From here, which isn't too far away, we can spot Mr. Todoroki. However, he seems to be in one place, guarding the stairs. As we near, I see why. Two people lay on the stairs, both unmoving.
"He needs help," I mutter.
"Then go," Kim states after a pause.
"What?" I ask.
"Go. Help them. Be a hero. I've got Austin," she assures me.
I begin to question, then I remember my reputation. "Right! Be safe!" I shout as I bolt toward the stairs. I run down the hill and slide toward the end. As I reach the bottom, I boost myself into the air with my flames. Soaring above the ground, I fly swiftly toward the stairs. I spot Mr. Todoroki freezing and burning villains. I also spot one getting behind him. The villain goes to attack Mr. Todoroki. "Not on my damn watch, bastard!" I shout. I put another burst of flames through my feet. I position myself perfectly, and sqarely kick the villain in the head. He topples away from Mr. Todoroki. Mr. Todoroki turns for a split second.
"Protect them!" he yells over the noise. He then rushes off into battle.
I turn to see who they are. I almost gasp. Dragon boy, Rich I think, and Alie are paralyzed on the steps. I take a fighting position in front of them.
"Don't worry, help has arrived. For I am here," I whisper.
"We just got Al through the door! If we can hold off a little longer!" Telepathy girl, Rosie?, shouts from the top.
"Send another pro! We've got injured!" I yell back. I hear an explosion.
"You bastard! Uravity! Hold him down while I go help my kid!" Dad yells from the entrance.
"On it!" I faintly hear Uravity respond. Another explosion and suddenly Dad is beside me, along with a fairly large dent in the stairs.
"Hey, kiddo. Let's kick some ass!" Dad shouts.
"Right!" I reply just as loud and enthusiastically. And we do. Villains come at us from every direction. We're unstoppable! That is, until plasma boy comes up to us.
"I am Yūrei no Otoko. I am here to kill and destroy," the guy says calmly.
"I'd like to see you try!" Dad shouts. He goes to release a blast from his gauntlets. The guy is faster, somehow. He raises his hands and destroys the gauntlet. Dad pops his neck and fingers. "Not a problem," he mutters. He raises his hand. Yet, right before he fires his blast, the strange guy shoots his leg. Dad topples down and the blast explodes against the ground.
"Dad!" I shout. I rush to his side. "Are you alright?"
"Hell! That bastard! I'm gonna kill him!" Dad yells. He looks at me. Fear flickers in his eyes. "Damn it! Senshi! You have to guard those kids!" he exclaims.
"Fuck!" I yell. I had completely forgotten about the others. I turn. The plasma blast guy, he said his name was Yūrei?, has Alie over his shoulder and is dragging Rich behind him. By the wing! What a bastard! "Dad, stay here. I'm going to be a hero!" I say as I rush off.
"Don't do anything I would!" Dad calls after me. I give a thumbs up. I proceed to ignite my hands. The fire burns a shade of white. It almost hurts my hands it's so hot. Almost. Yet, that's the joys of having a quirk linked to my emotions. No one, no one, takes my classmates! I run, jump, and grab the arm dragging Rich. Yūrei shouts in pain and drops Rich. Rich yells in pain at the hard impact. Yūrei runs, still holding Alie.
"Rich? Rich! Stay awake! I'll be back in a sec, dragon boy!" I say quickly. I then rush again toward Yūrei. He now stands by Dr. Akuma. I go to throw a fireball at Yūrei.
"Now, dear, you wouldn't want to catch your friend on fire. Would you?" Dr. Akuma taunts. Flames begin to engulf my body. Anger rages in me.
"Alie can't move. I don't know why, but she wouldn't be able to do anything. No dodging. No long range shots," I think. I rush toward Yūrei and Dr. Akuma.
"Yūrei, I think we should leave," Dr. Akuma states calmly. I'm almost there. One shot! I can do this!
"Of course, doctor," Yūrei replies obediently. He grabs the doctor around the waist and shoots a blast toward the roof. He then leaps into the air, the plasma shooting like flames from his feet. I stumble because of my momentum and crash to the floor. I position myself to follow after them, but a cold hand on my shoulder stops me. I turn to see Mr. Todoroki. My eyes welled up with tears.
"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" I mutter. I look to my boots. "I failed, Mr. Todoroki. I'm-i'm sorry," I whisper. My flames are gone. Mr. Todoroki's hand remains on my shoulder, the cold now gone.
"It's alright. The heroes are here and we will find Alex along with the villains," he assures me.
"I know but." I sigh. "Damn it," I think. "I'm sorry, Alie."

The Greatest Hero: A My Hero Academia Fanfiction Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz