Chapter 1

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*Aubrey POV*

"Aubrey! Get up and make me food!" I groan and roll over on my stomach, pulling my pillow over my head.

"Aubrey! Get up! I'm hungry." suddenly my blankets fly off of my bed, letting cold air kiss my body. I instantly sit up in desperate search for my covers. Obviously I am not morning person.

"what do you want?" I ask. I wipe the sleepiness from my eyes and see an impatient looking Niall standing at the end of my bed. I was shocked to see him, usually my friend Spencer is the one standing there bothering me to make her breakfast, but this time it is my annoying brother.

"Food." he answers

"Why? Don't you have food at your house? and how did you get in anyway?"

"first off, Harry used the last bit of flour and whatever else you use to make pancakes and got it stuck on the ceiling so we have no food. Also-"

"how in the world do you manage to get pancake stuck on the ceiling?" I ask baffled.

"Well, you know how Harry likes to act like he is the best chef in England so, I bet you can figure it out." I laugh, imagining Harry flipping the pancake up in the air and flinging it too high getting it stuck on the ceiling. "and we were in the driveway and saw Spencer unlocking your door. So we followed her in here."

"wait? Spencer and all the other boys are here as well?"

"yes." He answers acting innocent.

"fantastic." I mumbled plopping back down on my bed.

"what's wrong?"

"well, I need to shower and Jake will be- wait what time is it?" I ask frantically

"11:45 why?"

"shit. Jake is going to be here at 12. I have to take a shower." I quickly begin to shuffle my way to my bedroom door. "will you do me a huge favor and let him in, if I'm not out. oh and don't do anything stupid." with that I dash down the hallway towards the bathroom.

*Niall POV*

Aubrey dashed down the hallway to take a shower, which considering she is in a rush, will be about 15 minutes long.

"guys, she is in the shower. we have to hurry." I run out of her room into the kitchen to see, Spencer and Harry, standing on two chairs hanging up the 'Happy Birthday' banner while Liam examines from below making sure it was straight. Louis, was blowing up balloons while Zayn sorted the presents along the table.

"How long do you think it will take her for her shower to be done?" Liam asks, giving a thumbs up to Spencer and Harry, meaning that the banner was straight.

"I am estimating around 15 minutes. she seemed in a rush." I quickly respond. Spencer and Harry climb down off the chairs and stood beside Liam.

"where's her man whore, she calls of a boyfriend?" Spencer asks, "he has the cake."

"he is probably hanging with another girl. knowing him." I snort. I don't like Jake at all. He constantly hurt Aubrey and hangs out with other girls when he isnt with her. I always try to tell her, and so does Spencer, but she, being the stubborn self she is, doesn't believe us. Jake is one of those, high school jocks that doesn't give a shit about anyone other than himself. Every girl in school is swooning over him and him of course, flirts and hangs with all of them.

"I still cannot believe she would date someone like that." Zayn said walking over towards us.

"well you know her, she has bad taste in men. I mean I tried going for her but she picked him over me." Harry smirked. I shot him a death glare, followed with bursts of laughter coming from everyone else.

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