The kidnapping of Kristen McAtee

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The bell rang as the school day came to an end. I was so relieved to be going home. Im not sure how much I could take of school. I didnt have a reason for it being the worst day ever, its just, you know those days where like nothings happended but its still been a bad day? Just me, Ok. Well either way I was just going home, and that's all that mattered. Also I get to see Scott, and link! Today was posting day and I was gonna make some chicken muffins for link. As I left the school gates I quickened my pace to my car. I was driving home down the backroads because I had to stop at the store and the one I usually go to is along the back roads. I was looking down at my Ac adjuster to cool it down in my car, when I looked up there was a van parked in the middle of the road taking up both sides of it. I drove up to it thinking someone had crashed and needed help. I got out of my car and went around to the drivers side of the van and no driver; an arm grabbed around my neck and put a knife to my throat with one hand over my mouth.

I couldn't scream, couldn't run, couldn't fight back. Nothing I was useless. Before I had time to process fully what was happening I was thrown into the back of the van by to huge and muscular men. They shut the doors and that was the end of my story. Well, kinda

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