It's Here

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Mal's Pov

Omg I can't believe our wedding is finally here. Evie and I got dressed in the east wing of Ben's castle while Ben and Doug got dressed in the west. I'm am so nervous.

We finally reach the chapel. My dad is walking me and Evie both down the isle(not the Isle of the lost:-)). I get in and see Ben stand there in all his handsome glory which makes my smiles endless.

We finally say our "I do's" and now we are husband and wife which is so exciting. We went on our honeymoon in Aragbah which was fun.

And we live happily ever after

Or did we

Omg this is the end of this book. I would like to thank my awesome readers. This book hasn't turned out how I intended when I first started out. But what's done is done. Thank you all and BYE

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