"I can't feel my toes!" said Lilly. She grabbed a card in her shaking hand.

'Be strong,' said Light Magician Girl.


"Hurry so I can have a body again!" said Crump.

"If I play you and he attacks you I done!" said Lilly as she looked at her deck master.

"So very true."

"I play one monster face down in defense mood and end my tern!"

"An extremely desperate move for an extremely desperate girl. And my hand continues to grow more powerful. And now take this! Flying Penguin attack!" he said as his monster attacked Lilly's. She then drew a card.

'This should come in handy!' she thought.

"Play whatever card you like, but I will win!" he said as Lilly drew another card.

'It's not powerful enough!' she thought.

'Hikari, don't give up so fast. He has a secret skill that can help you.'

"Hu? What kind of a skill? Wait I know!" she said as she played the card, "Let's go!" she then used his special ability to give him more points and then she had him attack.

"We're safe!" said Tea.

"For now," said Lilly.

Crump then played another monster and when Lilly sent hers to attack it. When his monster was destroyed, Crump activated Revenge Sacrifice. He then sent a card to attack her. The ice around her went up to her waist.

"Lilly!" said Tea.

'There's nothing I can do!' thought Lilly.

'Yes you can! Play me! It's your only hope!' said The Light Magician Girl

"I move Light Magician Girl to the field!" she said.

"Don't you realize that if your deck master is destroyed, you automatically lose!' he said to her. He then brought back his Torpedo Penguin and had it attack Lilly directly. The ice had almost covered her hole.

"Lilly!" said Tea scared.

Lilly was getting scared but then the Light Magician Girl used her deck master special ability to bring back all the monsters that were destroyed. This allowed her to draw 4 new cards. She then looked at the four cards and saw the card she needed and played it.

"So, what exactly does this card do?' asked Tea.

"This is the card known as My Love is Coming. It allows whatever monster I use it on to have their love to come to the field automatically. Whether I have the card or not," said Lilly as a purple sphere came and landed on her duel disk. It was the Dark Magician. He then appeared on the field.

"I don't know where he came from but I'm not complaining!" said Tea.

"What! My calculation said for sure that I would win!" said Crump.

"Neutral Magic attack!" said the Light Magician Girl as she and the Dark Magician combined there attacks. Then Crump lost and disappeared.

"Wow!" said Tea.

"I won!" said Lilly as the ice around her disappeared and she fell. Tea caught her and helped her up.

~ Sometime Later ~

When she woke up she saw Tea and Yugi looking down on her.

"Lilly!" said Tea as she hugged her, "I'm so glad you're okay!"

'I think the cold got to her head!' thought Lilly as she returned the hug awkwardly.

"You did it!" said Yugi.

"I was almost a human Ice pop!" said Lilly, "I'm so glad that's over!"

"We are too!" said Yugi.

The three of them then started to walk. Lilly was shivering like crazy while the other two were alright.

"Lilly, are you okay?" asked Tea.

"Y-yeah, just a little c-c-cold," she said. Both Tea and Yugi looked at each other than at her. Yugi then took off his jacket and gave it her.

"Here," he said to her with a small blush.

"A-are you s-sure?" she asked.

"Yeah! Besides, out of the three of us, you were the one trapped in ice!" said Tea.

"Thanks!" she said back to them as they continued walking. 'Why can't she be this nice all the time? I bet that soon she will go back to being a bitch. Oh well! Better enjoy it while it last.'

They then came upon a door.

"Look a door!" said Lilly.

"I wonder where it leads!" said Tea.

"Well what are we waiting for?" asked Yugi as they ran to it.

When they went through it they saw Joey dueling someone.

"Who let in the draft?" asked Joey.

"Joey!" said the three.

"Hay! Yugi, Tea, Lilly! Where ya been?" he asked.

"Order!" said one of the Big Five. Tea, Yugi, and Lilly then went to sit down and watch the duel. Lilly gave Yugi back his jacket, with a kiss on his cheek making him blush a bright red and causing Yami to laugh at him.

While watching, they saw Joey get attacked.

"Joey!' they yelled.

"Lucky move Jonson!" he said.

"He's in trouble!" said Yugi.

While he continued to duel, Lilly and Yugi started to get suspicious.

Then Noah appeared.

"Master, what brings you here?" asked Jonson.

"Silence!" he said.


"Time out! Stop the duel!"

"What's the deal?" asked Tea.

"Noah, you can't sir, please. I'm only a few moves away from taking over this fool's body!" said Jonson.

"You don't deserve that prize Jonson. Not after what you just pulled!" said Noah.

"So, he is a cheater!" said Joey.

"Sad to say, it's true. The honorable Judge Man is nothing but a fraud that has been cheating you from the very beginning. He's been using my virtual technology to tamper with your dice roll!"

"How bout I tamper with your face. M\r. So-called-man-of –justice!" said Joey as he looked at Jonson.

"Sir I had to make sure I won. I can't take it here any longer!" said Jonson.

"Your excuses bore me. I brought you to my world under my rules that you would defeat Seto Kaiba and his little friends, but if you cheat, I can't prove I'm more deserving then him. For years I lived in Seto's shadow, trying to prove that I'm the better one, that I should be the president of Kaiba Corp. not him, and it's about time that I prove to Gozoboro Kaiba that he should have left the company to me!" said Noah.

"What is he talking about?" asked Lilly.

Joey then complained that he still wanted to duel, so they did, but with Jonson playing fair this time. He then made Jonson pick a card from his hand. He tricked in to thinking he picked the wrong card so he switches what card to pick. He then attacked him and won.

"Go Joey!" said Lilly as they started to congratulate him.

Joey started to freak out after they told him that the Big Five wanted to duel them all, knowing that his sister would have some trouble since she didn't duel a lot, if she dueled at all. And with that they went looking for the rest of their friends.

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