Part 18

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Apparently double the sum Kristen had initially desired wasn't enough for her. Staring at a cover of a trashy tabloid, Lindsey clenched and opened his fist, clenching it again. His breathing was heavy, teeth gritted. He shouldn't read it, he knew it was going to be filled with lies, but he couldn't stop himself. He'd been staring at the magazine since Karen dropped it in front of him and that was 10 - 15 minutes ago.

How I escaped Lindsey Buckingham's tyranny

That was the headline and it was enough for Lindsey to mouth a string of obscenities. However, it was nothing compared to what he had to say after he read the whole interview. Who could even believe such bullshit? Why would someone want to do that to Lindsey and Stevie and print it? Lindsey shook his head - money. That was the answer. He was sure the reporter didn't care about anyone's feelings, they probably were all too happy to get that piece of garbage out of Kristen, despite whether it was true or false. 

"Good morning." Stevie approached Lindsey from behind and wrapped her arms around him. "What's that?"

Lindsey quickly flipped the magazine over to hide the article from her. "Nothing."

"Nothing? I saw a picture of us. What's it about?" Stevie stood by his side, trying to take the magazine from him, while Lindsey held his hand pressed firmly down on it.

"Stevie, you don't want to read this."

"Oh, I think I do." She argued. "You know I'll ask Karen to get me another copy."

"It's only going to stress you out, Steph. And that's not good for the baby. Please... don't." He pleaded, looking at her.

"Lindsey, give me the damn magazine!" She raised her voice. "It's Kristen, isn't it?" He sighed and nodded his head, pulling his hand away.

Stevie quickly turned the pages until her eyes landed on that ridiculous headline, her eyebrows creased. She couldn't believe the things that were written. Lindsey had obviously already read it, but she read some parts out loud anyway.

What you see is not what you get. Lindsey pretends to be a different man, but the truth is, he's still as obsessive, jealous and violent. We were together for only a few years, but I can't even count the times he raised his hand against me. Everything has to be the way he wants it. If I disobeyed, he would yell and threaten me, he hurt me physically and emotionally countless times. 

Stevie had to take a seat, she suddenly felt lightheaded.

From the beginning of our relationship he was unfaithful to me. It isn't enough to be young and good looking, which I believed I was. I walked in on Lindsey with other women in our marital bed on numerous occasions. More than anything I think that it's sad. He's a famous rockstar, yet he has to pay for sex.

Lindsey wanted the world to know he could keep a woman like me by his side and if I asked, I always had to praise him, let everyone know how wonderful Lindsey Buckingham is. He's far from it. He could pay hookers for sex probably because he didn't care if they were satisfied, but whenever we were intimate, he saw it on my face. He'd get mad and he'd hit me. What's even worse, he crawled back to Stevie Nicks. That woman has no morals. She knew he was married and a father, she was married herself, but she let him into her bed anyway. I guess, she wanted to show me, she still had power over Lindsey. But I don't care. If asked, I would have happily let them be together, they deserve each other. I was young and naive, Lindsey showered me with gifts and attention at first, he blinded me and I believed I was in love, only to find out what a horrible, disgusting man he is. 

I forgave Lindsey, always, for everything he did to me, but the last straw was when I found out that he got his ex pregnant. That was when I asked for divorce. It was bad enough they were having an affair, while both married, but them having a child together was too much for me to handle. I think they're being selfish. They believe that they're still in love with each other and they're finally getting a chance at having a family together. But Stevie Nicks is in her fifties. The poor baby is bound to have problems. She's too old to become a mother. They should have done the right thing, which they didn't. I'm sure Lindsey promised his beloved Stephanie, he's going to be there for her, but I'm absolutely certain that once that baby is born if it's born at all, Lindsey's going to run without turning to look back.

"That's enough!" Lindsey shouted, snatching the magazine from Stevie, seeing tears well up in her eyes. "I told you, you didn't need to read this."

Stevie sniffled, her hand traveling to her belly. Lindsey put his arms around her, holding her close. He genuinely didn't think Kristen would stoop so low.

"You're not an abuser, you're not the man she made you out to be, Linds." Stevie spoke, her voice muffled.

"I know that and you know that, that's what matters."

"We're going to get calls, asking for a comment. Who do you think people will believe? Kristen - the victim or us?" Stevie tilted her chin up, her watery eyes focused on Lindsey's.

"Who cares. We know the truth, Steph. Don't worry about other people." Lindsey said, pressing her to his chest again, stroking her hair. "I want you to stop thinking about it, it's not healthy for the baby."

"I thought things were going well..." Stevie sighed, her arms circling Lindsey's middle. 

"So did I." He repeated with a heavy breath. "So did I..."

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