And She Was Gone

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There once was a girl who had seemed to love her life and herself, but it was all a deception.
In all reality she hated herself. She was going through more than the eye could see. She was trapped inside a cage she could never escape: Her mind.

Although she carried all this trouble and hate with her, she helped others. Smiling like nothing could bring her down. Which wasn't really false, because her world was already fallen and gone.

She often comforted those who were going through hard times the best she could, and usually she succeeded. People tended to come to her when they needed something, knowing she would help them her best. When really the one who needed the help the most was her.

She always comforted others with the words she needed to hear, but never got to hear from another.

Her life was full of irony, as people kept coming to the one who needed the most help for help themselves.

She had her breaking points and the ones who cared for her most helped her, hoping it was enough. The next day she would be back to smiling and happy, at least, on the outside. But on the inside she was still screaming for help as loud as she could, her silent screams never being heard.

One day the girl finally couldn't handle it anymore. Everything she had hid so long had finally gotten to her. She locked herself in her room, in an empty house, alone. She held an object in her hands and stared at it, tears rolling down her face.

She held the object up to her chest, as she messly cried and wept to herself.

"I'm sorry," she said, her voice trembling.
Then there was a loud noise that was heard across the house, yet it seems to ring around the world.

And with that...

She was gone.

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