Chapter 3

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I looked out and saw the bandits. One small group had broke off to handle the reagade men aiding the remaining gaurds. Many fallen self made heros  were strewn about the road along with gaurds who were fending off the attack. A large nord man charged at me, he had a large steel great sword. Like many of the bandits it was a large cumbersome weapon and took a lot of time to swing it. so I ducked under the blade and thrusted my blade inbetween the plates of his baded iron armor. Blood spewed out of the wound then he fell dead. I found ny next combatant, a female kahjiit. She was dule wilding steel swords.

Ok. I thought. Aha! I remembered some destruction magic I learned a few years back. Just then a small fire started in my hand. It frightend me but I remembered that the flame held no heat before it left the caster's hand. Now I had my own version of dual weilding. My steel sword griped in my left hand and a flames spell in my right. We both spunted forward at at one another then I stopped halfway there. Then shot a stream of fire at her. Her skin and clothes lit on fire and she screamed as her skin started to blister and reden. In anger she charged. Good. I thought. I was running low on magicka. She was in such rage she didn't think of her movements. When she brought up her blades I swung my sword to the right and cut off first her left arm then though to her head then right arm. All of her limbs rolled on the dirt. I looked over to see Kirick'zod fighting a buffed up nord man with a war hammer. I ran over to him and cut the attacker's knee. He fell down to a kneel, then Kirick stabbed him in the neck with one of his two embony blades. we started chuckling , Then out of no were an argonian in full hide armor stsb him in the back with an iron dagger. "NOOOOOOO!!" I screamed.  Kirick's shirt started to absorb the blood seeping from his chest. Kirick fell to the ground. A strange rush filled me. In an instant I tackled the barbarian and grabbed his dagger and stabbed him in the eye. He cried out in pain, then I tore out his throat with my bear hands. I turned and saw reinforcements running to the town.

Being dragonbornDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora