Roleplay Page

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So here's the role play page,  so remember the rules:

-So game characters can be from famous games, (Super Mario, Legends of Zelda, and etc... )

-No rushing any type of relationship

-Sexual content is allowed (Cause even if they cringey they're funny!)

-If I think it's too much for the public just private message me, it's cool!

-Make it the fun and most creative story ever

Ok so that's really all I'm here for, do what you want, I'm not disturbed by much, as long as you have fun!

Also here's a character bio that needs to be made if you want, but it's really preferred to be made
Character Bio
Nickname/Preferred name: (Only if they have one)
Date of Birth:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Blood Type:
Body Type: (Only for females)
Profile Pic:

Here's my Example:
Name: Erza Scarlet II
Nickname/Preferred Name: Little Little E, or Titania
Date of Birth: January 12, 20XX
Age: 15
Height: 5'4
Eye Color: Brown and Hazel
Hair Color: Scarlet red long hair
Weight: 142 lbs.
Blood Type: O+
Body Type: Hour Glass
Likes: Working out, War, Her Family, Weapons, Food, Games
Dislikes: Creeps, Perverts, Horrible Attitudes, Bullies, Lies
Profile Pic: ((Look up top))

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