Hollys P.O.V.

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I had just finished telling Nia that she was going to Abbys because me and the other moms were going out to the bar. All of us moms decided that Kelly would drive their then I would drive home. Soon Nia was ready to go and we headed to Abby's. We met all the other girls and moms their. The girls and Abby said goodbye. they ten screamed "DON'T TEXT AND DRIVE" we replied "WE WON'T." So we left and headed to the bar a little while later Kelly got a text from Abby. Kelly and Abby were texting for a while now. Something must be wrong because Abby never texts this much. Just then we were getting to the traffic light when Kelly stopped short. I then heard breaks squeeking. I heard Christi screaming Kellys name til I heard syrines and everything went black. I knew something wasn't right I just could come across what it was. I soon woke up and was in this room wwith the other moms the only one who wasnt their was Kelly. A nurse soon walked in and asked us if we had any questions. Christi was the only one to have a question. I was dreading the question she was going to ask because I knew what she was going to say. Then she asked " Where is Kelly" the nurse asked if she was talking about Kelly Hyland. Christi replied with yes I am. The nurse just starred for a moment with this sad expression. Suddenly I knew something wasn't right . She replied with " I'm sorry but she died at the scene." She then came over to me to ask me how i was doing. I told her I was doing okay. After she left everybody began looking at each other with sad eyes. I didnt know how to respond. so i just didnt say anything. I didnt feel well and Jill did not look good either. I soon realized me and Jill were hooked up to not only IVs but also heart rate machines. Christi began to look at Melissa with a sad expression but Melissa had no idea how to respond. I knew I was in the hospital but then I just blacked out I could here something beeping but I couldn't do anything. I soon saw golden gates and I knew I was dead GONE. Nia would never see me again. I am now an angel looking down on her. I soon realized Kelly was standing by the gate waiting for me not far behind me I saw anotherr familiar face and realized it was Jill. We must have passed right around the same time. I hope the girls don't totally freak out and shut themselves out of the world because of this.

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