Kelly's P.O.V. (before the accident)

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Kelly's P.O.V.

I had just finished telling Brooke and Paige that I was

taking them to Abby's and the other girls were going to

be their because me and the other moms were going to

the bar. We made a deal that I would drive to the bar

and Holly would drive us home. Soon the girls were

ready and we left to head to Abby's. We all walked up

to the front door. We told Abby that we would be

home around 10 to get the girls. The girls said goodbye.

Then the girls and abby shouted "DON'T TEXT AND

DRIVE." We replied "we wont"( even though I didnt

listen to it, unfortunately) As we were getting to the

traffic light a few blocks away from the bar when I

revieved a text message from Abby. That began to

worry me because of the fact we had just left alittle

while ago. the text message read " KELLY CALL ME ITS

IMPORTANT" I replied back " I cant im driving"

I probably should of pulled over and called her but I

didnt think about it at the time. Abby then replied "

seriously NOW" so I replied " Do you want me to crash."

She replied " Okay well lets just say your daughter is

hurt" my reply was "WHAT WHY???" Abby sent me that

they were playing a game. when I was aout to answer

back I stopped short at a red light I heard car brakes

squeeking and a crash. Soon everything went black and

I heard syrines and people calling my name but I

couldnt respond. I soon saw these golden gates and

angels and I knew I was dead. GONE. My kids will never

see me again. I am now an angel looking down on

them. I hope Paiige and Brooke will not do anything to

harm themselves or be too depressed because I am not

their. Also I hope Brooke takes good care of Paige. Also

I hope Brooke gives Paige the stuff I have for her. Also I

hope Brooke takes the stuff I left for her. I need them

to continue to dance as if I am their because that what I

would want them to do is forfill their dreams even if I

am not their. Also Brooke I hope you take care of not

only Paige but all the girls. My last thought was why did

I reply to Abby's text while driving why didn't I just pull

over to answer her then I would of still been here on

earth with my kids and the rest of my dance family.

A/N: Each chapter will be in a different moms P.O.V.

their might also be  a chapter with a different P.O.V.

that isnt the moms

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