Today Will Always Be Better Than Yesterday

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Idk if this is an actual chapter, or just a filler...

It was something their sister used to say, before her execution; 'today will always be better than yesterday'. It was something that stuck with the Lee brothers, whenever they'd have bad days. Their sister was like an anchor to them. She was there when their parents weren't, and most of all she was always there to help Felix. When Felix watched her die, a part of him died with her, but he had to grow up fast.

Too fast.

He couldn't be a kid; he couldn't do what the other kids did like play football in the street or play in the mud after it rained. No, he had to learn how to protect himself and Minho, just like his sister told him to. He had to push his trauma aside, he had to hold it in and he had to be strong for Minho. Minho had tried to be strong, because as the elder of the two, he felt like he had to, and he tried and tried but he gave up because he was weak compared to his half demon brother.

However, their sisters words still stuck itself in their minds, and it was something they continued to live by and believe wholeheartedly.

And as Minho sat awake in the tent they now shared with the HyunBin couple, Felix suddenly sat up, his breathing heavy and laboured as he awoke from another nightmare. Minho instantly wrapped his arms around Felix, and the blonde haired boy lied his head against Minho's chest as silent tears ran down his cheeks. Minho rubbed his back comfortingly shushing his little brother as Hyunjin and Changbin were dead asleep near them.

And then, for a split second, Minho had thought he heard Hyun-Jae's voice repeat the words she would always say when she was alive. It was barely a whisper, but Minho heard it, and apparently so did Felix.

"You heard that too...right?" Felix whispered.

Minho just nodded, also being brought to tears at the fact their sister, even though she wasn't physically there, was still with them in spirit. He hugged Felix tighter, burying his face in Felix's hair to hide his tears. Felix was also gripping onto Minho like a lifeline, letting out a quiet sob as he was obviously aware that Changbin and Hyunjin were both fast asleep near them.

After a few minutes, Felix had gone back to sleep due to exhaustion from crying again. Minho decided to leave the tent again to see the sun was just starting to rise. Minho breathed in the fresh air, smiling a little. The air in District 9 was a lot fresher than District 8 because it wasn't in any way kind of polluted by factory fumes like District 8 was. Minho closed his eyes for a few moments, but when he opened them again, Jisung was in front of him. Minho jumped back, holding a hand over his heart and breathing deeply to try and calm his pounding heart. Jisung was staring at Minho in awe.

"You're really, really pretty" Jisung hummed, stepping back a little.

Minho coughed, his heart still somewhat pounding against his chest, but his face heated up with a blush. Jisung smirked, chuckling.

"Aw, you're blushing. That's cute" Jisung teased, his smirk growing wider.

'Is he...flirting with me?' Minho felt himself blush even more (if that was even possible) under the once again heated gaze Jisung was giving him.

Yep, this incubus was definitely flirting, but as embarrassed Minho was, he didn't exactly mind it. Minho huffed, turning his head to the side as he tried to will away his blush.

"I-I'm not cute, nor am I pretty" Minho pouted.

Jisung shook his head, walking closer to the blushing boy, hooking a finger underneath his chin and forcing Minho to face him. Minho really couldn't stop his pounding heart now, and he gulped visibly as Jisung leaned in closer so their foreheads touched.

"You're fucking beautiful, Lee Minho" Jisung whispered.

Minho didn't know why, but the way Jisung was dead serious about that made him fully believe it. Minho smiled, and Jisung swore his heart stopped because damn, that was the most adorable smile ever. Jisung smiled back, and the two just stared at each other for a while until a cough interrupted them.

"Oi Jisungie" the familiar voice of Seungmin spoke, "your horns and tail are showing~" Seungmin sing-songed.

Jisung and Minho leaned away from each other, and Jisung looked behind him to see that his devil tail was indeed showing, and he reached up to his head and felt his horns. His eyes had also changed from brown to gold. Minho was confused, but he thought that must've been his Incubus traits, so he shrugged it off.

"Fuck" Jisung cursed, walking away quickly.

Minho just stood there, still a little confused as he turned to Seungmin who had his arms crossed over his chest.

"Don't worry too much Minho, that's just his Incubus traits showing. However, I think he turned because of you" Seungmin said.

"Wha-why me?" Minho squeaked.

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. Well, depends on how he goes about it I guess" Seungmin shrugged.

"What does that mean?" Minho asked, even more confused.

"Minho, I am 98% sure that Jisung likes you" Seungmin smirked.

Minho's froze, looking at Seungmin in disbelief.

'Jisung...likes me!?'

I mean, I did say in the A/N in the chapter 'Minho Meets Jisung' that MinSung will progress at a faster rate than ChanLix, but once ChanLix happens it'll be the main focus as this story is called 'District 9 (ChanLix)' for a reason XD but guys, you have no idea how much it's actually fucking killing me to write ChanLix as a 'slow burn'. It's just...uuuuugh I just wanna write some fluffy ChanLix moments istg! But there will be some fluffy MinSung so I guess that'll satisfy you guys and me for a while until ChanLix happens. Idk how long it'll be before ChanLix happens, but it'll happen at some point I swear! However, there will be something that throws a wrench in the ChanLix ship, and whoever reads my messages on my Conversations board would know exactly what that is...

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