Band-Aids - Lies.

Start from the beginning

   "Hi boys!" She said. "Okay, so how is the tour going?"

   "It's been great!" Liam said. "We have been having the most amazing time."

   "That's great!" Connie said. "Okay, uh. Harry we have a bit of rumor going around about you and some girl."

   "Oh..Uh.." Harry replied. I could tell he was smirking and blushing.

   "Would you like to fix these rumors?" Connie pushed.

   "Uh." Harry annouced. "We're just really good friends. We just get on so well."

   "Awh." She said disappointed. "I see. So what about another girl.. Taylor."

   Silence filled the interview.

   "Arf." I heard Louis say. Soon Liam followed and it came back and forth.

   "What's with the animal noises?" Connie asked.

   I could tell it was just to change the subject.

   I felt a pain through my chest. They erased me from their memory haven't they. I turned the radio back to a differet station so music actually played!

   But two minutes later I pulled up to the airport and parked by the pick-up lane.

   As Alice saw me I jumped out of the car and grabbed her into a tight bear hug. She did the same.

   "I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" She yelled.

   "You have no idea how miserable I've been without you!" I said back.

   "Oh whatever! You got a ridicously hot and famous boyfriend!" She said.

   "Shut up. Let's hit the mall and Starbucks." I said.

   We put her suitcase in the back and I slipped my Ray-Bans back on. I played the radio and we rocked out.

   "And here is One Direction's single 'What Makes You Beautiful'!" The radio said.

   "Dear god." I muttered.

   "I have something to tell you." She said.

   I parked into Starbucks and we ordered coffee. We sat on the table and I looked to her.

   "What do you have to tell me?" I replied taking a sip of my frappichino.

   "Okay," She said. "When, when you left Harry showed up. He was dangerously hung over and we all knew he did something the night before.."

   "What. What did he do?" I croaked.

   "He banged some girl at the bar." She whispered. I felt like I was gonna cry.

   "So.. He lied about.. loving me..?" I cried out.

   "No." She said. "Zayn totally snapped at him saying that if he really loved you he never would've banged another girl. Then Niall snapped at him and Zayn and all of them ignored him. Soon all he did was hide in his room, but I tried talking to him.. He hasn't eaten in weeks, Taylor."

   "WHY?!" I yelled. "Why the fudge is he still mourning over me leaving? I'm over it. I'm safe. I'm with Justin."

   "He didn't know that until Liam showed him the music video." She said taking a drink of her coffee.

   "Dear.. god.." I muttered.

   I ran my hand through my hair and looked to her again but she kept avoiding my eyes. Something went up.

Band-Aids (One Direction & Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now