Adventure with Uncle Leroux

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In a beautiful Friday morning...

"Hoamph! What time is it?" I awake and say

"7 PM?!" I shocked cuz I wake late

"Oh my gosh I must hurry" I say then prepare to taking a bath

I taking a bath, after I finish, I heading to downstairs, and of course... Everyone eat without me

"Hey why did you didn't wake me up?!" I say to my brother

"Geez I thought you have alarm" He say

"I thought I already say to you that my alarm didn't want to working... " I say

"Geez dude, use alarm in your phone" he say again

"oh yeah I forgot that... Sorry" I say

"It's okay bro" He say again

We're having fun downstairs, and I'm wondering what should I do after that, I know! I will ask Uncle Leroux to walk with me at the park!

"I must go to the park, see you bro!" I say

"See you" he say

At upstairs...


"Who's there?" Uncle Leroux ask

"Me" I say

"Oh hi cutie, what bring you here?" He ask

"Do you want to walk at the park with me?" I ask

"Sure! Let me prepare first" He say

"Alright then" I say

I sit in the chair in front of his room and wait for him to finish preparing
After a minute, he's ready

"Alright! I'm ready" He say

"Nice! Let's go!" I say

We're having a walk at the park, some people know him because he's a reporter and he always seen in the TV
He also famous a bit, that's why many people know him.

"Please sit here, I'll give you suprise" I say

"Okay! There's my friend coming!" he say

"Sure!" I yell because I already a bit far

In the food stall...

I don't know what's should I buy for him, he have so many favorite food
He like Hot Dog, he like Fries and more!

I know! I'll give him Hot Dog and Coffee, Fries for his friend and me...
I'll buy milkshake for myself

After I buy everything..

"That's it for now, I'll return to the bench" I say


"Here you go, your favorite food!" I say

"This is the suprise? Thanks!" he say

"Thanks kid!" His friend say

"No probs" I say

We're having a long talk in the park, and I tell a much thing about me
To make his friend know me more

"Let's go to the Museum after this" I say

"Sure, luckily we bring car" he say

"Alright friend, my nephew want to go to museum, do you want to come?" Uncle ask

"Sure thing!" His friend say

"Yay! More person mean more fun!" I say

We're heading to the car, and then heading to the museum

"Wow so many old things here, like the fossil or maybe that painting" I say

"Yup, you know it smart boy" he say

"Hehehe" I say then blush

"Where will we visit next?" Uncle ask

"I don't know... Maybe your office?" I ask

"No... My office is closed for now" he say

"Ummm... amusement park?" I ask

"Sure thing!" He say

After we finish look here and look there, we head back to the car and heading to the amusement park, were having fun there

"Uh.. That carousel making me dizzy... " I say

"Why?" he ask

"The Carousel is too fast" I explain

"This is strange" His friend say

"I know right?" I say

After we're having enough fun, we're heading home because it's enough already, I hope there's a chance for us to walk out again

Adventure with him is fun too! Like the Adventure with my brother and other uncles

At home....

"Thanks for accompanying me having fun today!" I say

"Hehe, no problem, we're having fun today!" he say

"Yup!" I say

My brother look jealous there hehe, it's his fault that he don't say he want to come too

It's already 3 PM, I will play with Uncle again

"Uncle let's play in your room" I say

"Sure, but don't mess with my document" he say

"alright!" I say

We're playing in his room for 5 hours, it's fun, we're playing game on his iPad.

"It's 8 PM already, I'll return to my room!" I say

"Alright!" he say

At my room...

"It's only 1 hour left till my bedtime, I'm going to chat my friend" I say

I having chat with my friend till my bedtime come

"Time to sleep!" I say then go to bed
Whew! Today is very fun

Next part, I have to take care of Uncle Bateman, he's so crazy because in the next part, he having fight with Uncle Lawson!

Let's see what cause of their fight in the next part

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