Pranking my Uncle!

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One day....

In a beautiful town and in a friendly hood.....
I went to my brother's room to drawing as always....
We love to draw especially in this rainy season, but in our drawing time, I draw my brother but with a devil horn and a fang

"Paddy lemme see the drawing" My Brother say

"Here you go" I say

I give my drawing and I don't know why
His eyes glared like he saw something

"Paddy what the heck are you drawing on top of my head?" he say

"Devil horn hahaha" I say

"Why?!!!" He say

"Just for fun" I say and wink

We resuming our drawing, then Uncle Lawson enter the room and ask what are we doing, and laugh when see my drawing of my brother

"This is an Evil Big Edwards, He's the devil of this town!" I say

My Uncle laugh, oh yeah, why do I never reveal their first name? It's because I know Criminal Case fans already know who are they, for you that outside the fandom, my brother's first name is revealed in Welcome to My Family Part 1

"Lawson! Where are you?" Uncle Bateman call

"Yes sir! Mayor Lawson is here! Ready to face the Law and Justice!" Uncle Lawson joking

"hehehe" I laugh because it's funny hahahaha

My Uncle have serious talk, I don't know what's their talking about, maybe money? I still don't know

"Kids, Uncle have to go, Uncle Bateman will stay here with you, so don't be naughty" He say

"Sure!" I say

We just quiet and still drawing, after a few mins, Uncle Bateman fall asleep

"Hey Paddy, let's prank him" My brother say with cynic grin

"Sure!" I say

We go to his room and then mark here and mark there with a marker in his face

After few hours...

"WHAT HAPPEN WITH MY FACE!?! WHO DID THIS?!!!" His yell heard from our room

"hihihi" we just laugh

"EDWARDS! You both go to my room NOW!" He say

Oh no, seems we're got into a trouble, I'm scared, but alright I'll facing him even i'm scared

"Yes Uncle" we say

"DO YOU BOTH DID THIS?" He say and angry

"Ummm" My brother think

"ANSWER HURRY!" He's even more angry

"Fine we did this" I say


We go back to the room, and yeah...
Uncle Lawson didn't come back yet...

After Uncle Lawson back...

"Lawson, I ground both of the Edwards" Uncle Bateman say

"Why? What did they do?" He say

"They mark and draw on my face!!!" Uncle Bateman say

"They are so grounded!" Uncle Lawson say, and angry too

Then he go to the drawing room


"How long?" My brother ask

"2 WEEKS! NO DRAWING FOR TWO WEEKS!" He say then slam the door and leave

"Meh that's still okay for me" I say

"Yeah me too" my bro say

Then we both just joking since then
Of course we sad! No drawing for 2 weeks? Are you kidding me? Ugh!

3 hours later...

"It's 9 AM already, i'll go to sleep" I say

Then I go to sleep


So he's mad....
I don't know what's wrong with him, he usually laugh when we prank him
Maybe there's something that making him super angry

Me and my bro will see and look out what thing that did making him in the bad mood, maybe he's rejected by his girlfriend? Or maybe he's fired from his job? Or none of those I predict?

Let's see in the next part of the story!

Welcome to My Family: The Life of Our HoodOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant