My Daddy is Coming Home!

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At a nice Thursday morning...

I'm helping my uncle preparing the breakfast, We make Scrambled Egg and Veggie Salad for this morning's breakfast, also I make some coffee for my uncles, tea for my bro and milk for me, we have a nice breakfast

"Paddy, do you know that your papa will coming today?" Uncle Lawson say
"Wait really?" I say
"Yes, he just text me and say he will come home" He say
"Yippiiiieeeee!!!!" I say

I'm so happy, my father has been gone for almost a year from now, I miss him, he work at a movie industry as a producer, and yes, all of the movie he made are famous like the Gigantic, once there's a incident in his studio, which is a boy killed with a flare gun and floating in a watery scene, that's horrible.

"Daddy is really coming?" I ask again
"yes, here's the proof if you want it" Uncle Lawson say and show me his chat with my daddy
"Yayyyyy!!!!" I say again

To be honest, I ever talk bad about my dad at my brother's room, as well he become abusive to us when we're a child, after that he change becoming a kind and strong man, that's a kind of father I want, when we're a child, my dad always beat us when we do a little mistake...

"Brother wake up!!!" I'm trying to wake my brother up
"What??" he awake even with slanted eyes
"Daddy is coming" I say

He awake and try to make me remember about abusive thing he have done to us

"Paddy... Do you remember he was abusive to us?" My brother say
"Umm... Yes" I say
"Well, I remember when he broke my arms back at 1998, when I'm still 5 years old, even it's 20 years already, I still remember, clear inside my head"
"Geez you're 25 now" I say
"And you're 13" he say
"Yes, but I feel bad about your past" I say

Shortly after that, I leave his room and he's taking a bath
I feel bad to my brother, his arm broken when he was 5 years old
Me and him are 12 years different
Yeah even it's a long time for him to wait me born to the world

"PADDY!" My brother jumpscare me
"Ahh!! What the heck are you thinking about? Jumpscaring me?" I say

He laugh and my expression be like "-_-" even though it's kinda funny hehe
But he making me shocked by jumping like that, I don't know he just finished taking a shower

"Come on you half thin and half fat boy, let's go out for swimming" I say

My brother have normal body, not so fat and not so thin also
But I call him half thin and half fat
That's a weird nickname too hahaha...

It's 3 hours already and my father isn't even come! What's taking so long? Red light? Accident? Gosshhh I miss him a ton!

Knock Knock!!!

"Who's there" I say then open the front door

I'm shock! a tall man with short brown hair stand in front of me

"Papa!!!!" I say and hug him
"Hello little Paddy, how are you?" He say
"Father?" My brother say
"Hey Big Edwards! You're grown up already!" He say
"Dad I'm 25!" My brother say
"Yeah I remember your age, don't worry, I'll not treat you like I did back at 1997 when you're still 4 year old" Papa say

My Uncles welcome him as well, My father is 41
And he start to adopt my brother when my brother still 3 years old
My father still too young to have a kid like that

That's why my brother have blonde hair instead of black or brown hair
Well... I'm adopted too hehehe
My father is a single parent, he married an actress back at 2015 but then divorced

We greet the return of my father
And it's all turn great!
We share joke again like we use to do
I miss my old moment before he go
Finally the movie he made is finished
So he can go home...

At 7 AM...

"Paddy oh Paddy where are you" My brother look for me
"BOOO" I scare him
"Ahh!! You scare me" He say
"That's a revenge bro" I say and wink to him

My father just smile when see us pranking each other
Maybe he remember the good memory when we still a child

After 2 hours at my bro's room
I go back to my room

"This is a good day, meeting with my dad and pranking my brother, hahaha!! I hope this happen again tomorrow, pranking my bro and put oil in his t shirt! Hehehe I'm going to end my nostalgia, time to sleep"

I say and then go to sleep...

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