|Chapter 1|

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Tobirama was getting frustrated.
He looked arround the room he was sitting in along with Mito, who was sitting across from him, they were sitting on cushions on floor.
"Tobirama-kun, you know i love you but i really don't want fur all over my sofa" she told him.
He of course understood.
But that doesn't mean he wasn't offended.
That for later, right now he was trying to find a way to how he can comunicate with his sister-in-law.
Little Tsuna was with her parents and her baby brother.
He looked arround until he spotted paper and ink, his ears perking up and Mito looked at it before picking it up and giving it to him.
He had to use his claws tho.
Paws are NOT good to hold anything at all.
So he wrote with his claws.
He wrote about everything that happened, from his self-sacrifice (for which he got a karate chop on head, thanks Mito) to how he tried to use the jutsu and died. Waking up like this.
"So you died?"
She asked him and he nodded.
Next he wrote about how he died next two times.
By now she was looking at him as if he had grown a second head.
Well he had grown fur,claws,tail,cat ears,whiskers... Oh well.
"So is it like..you have nine lives? That would be interesting."
She told him or maybe just herself.
Hard to tell. He shrugged making her lips twitch upwards.
"You know it's interesting seeing you like..this and act so cosualy." She grinned at him. He gave a sheepish smile back.
"Well anyway, what are we gonna do now?"
She asked with a slight frown.
He wrote how he wants to stay and that maybe he may look different but he will protect this village.
She just gives him a small smile and a hug.
The biggest surprise came when she scratched under his chin and he started to purr.
His eyes widden as he shook his head.
What the hell was that?
He looked at Mito, becoming very concerned when he saw the malicious grin that now adored her pretty face.
He gulped and prepared to run for it, but sadly it was too late.
He bounced off but she quickly followed and he cursed his small form.
However everything went to hell when she started petting him and scratching under his chin and an unwilling purr escaped him. His eyes closing in pure bliss making Mito giggle.
"Aww you are just an overgrown kitten!" She teased him.
He wanted to snap at her, but she just started to pet and scratch him again.
This continued for about ten minutes and ended with Tobirama curled on a pile of cushions with Mito petting him, then came the little nightmare commonly known as Tsunade.
The little blond squaled in delight amd went to pet him along with Mito who just smirked at his pleading face.
"Gwanma wat's kitty's name?"
The pigtailed blond asked.
She smiled at her and smirked at Tobirama.
She told her. He was glad she didn't give him any ridiculous name.
Apearantly he spoke too soo.
"But i just call him Tobi-chan"
She grinned at gim.
He made a face and Tsuna giggled.
The little girl sqealed in delight.
He did something his brother whould pass out if he saw him do it.
He pounted.
Mito's eyes widden into a size of dinner plates and little Tsuna giggled at his face.
"I will call you Tobiwa-chan!"
He purred and nuzzled her. Then grinned at Mito.
Tobira is still better then Tobi.
Mito snapped out of her daze and just started. Dramatic much?
After a while little Tsuna left and Mito looked him dead in the eye.
"Never do that again. Hashirama was just dork, but your's. We should label that as forbidden jutsu."
He snorted at that.
She glared but there was a twitch to her lips. After a short stare down she sighted, rolled her eyes and made him a small 'bed' he can sleep on that night.
When he gave her a look she pointed at his gorgeos fur.
He sayes she's jellous.
But he goes with it anyway.
She wishes him goodnight and he nods at her and purrs lightly when she pets his head.
He slept surprisingly well that night.

There was only one nightmare this time.

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