Chapter 14: Lie Detector

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' Are you sure you are not lying?' I said as I jotted down what The Nelson Family's butler was saying. The butler was dead serious, he replied in his deep, frightening voice ' I am sure I am not lying'. The maid heard, she burst out hysterically crying, bawling, bawling,  in Plaint and grief. The butler looked down and buried his face, he hid the tears trickling down his cheeks and escaping the corners of his wide open eyes. The maid shook the container of memory pills and then threw 7 of them down her throat. I ran to her rescue, I slapped her back 20 times, and pills went flying out of her mouth, I washed down her mouth and slapped her back once more in anger. She sobbed, and I silenced her. The butler hid in his emotional sobs. 

The next day, we marched to court with all the needed evidence, tapes, video footage, witnesses, documents, and audio messages. The butler sat down on a black office chair beside me, the lawyer fought and fought the case explaining every nook and cranny of the evidence. The judge was a slithering beast trying to hunt down every piece of evidence he could find. The lawyer argued ' She has been found entirely guilty of planning the kidnapping of the innocent 7-year-old girl, with screen-shots of text messages and voice recordings, as well as documents and recorded phone calls. Where did we get all this? our witness: the butler. 

Are you sure you're not lying?Where stories live. Discover now