Chapter 16

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The coronation began and Ben was waiting for Mal at the door

The trumpets played and it opened revealing Mal on her dress at Ben's coronation

Ben held Mal's hand and both walked into fairy Godmother

Ones they reached her

Ben went beside FG and Mal bowed down

" Do you promise to govern the people of Aurodon with love and trust and will never give up and prove evil has chosen wrong? " FG asked, " I do. " Mal said

" And it is the power blessed in me to pronounce you... Maleficent Jr. Bertha Farae Underworld - Beast... The Newest Queen of Aurodon. " FG said blessing Mal with the wand and crowning her

Mal stood up and Ben Held get hand

Both walked up to the isle and everyone was clapping and cheering

Then they went to the reception

At the castle in the reception

Mal felt someone was kicking her stomach so she just ignored it

The Enchanted Fairy appeared at the reception also and she went to talk to Mal

" Hello Mal. " She said, " Hello. " Mal said, " Are the babies kickin their way outta there? " She teased, " Kinda, seems normal to me. " Mal said, " Let's go to the garden and I'll show you what the book has in for you. " The enchanted fairy said and they went to the garden

The book appeared and it opened

It said

Princess Elizabeth Mallory Farae Underworld Beast... Destiny of tis Royal Highness would be Aurodon's future Queen.

As she is the first born... She also inherits the core 4 ring of her Mother, the future former Queen... Queen Maleficent Jr. Bertha Farae underworld beast.

Prince Hawk Floren Farae Underworld Beast... Destiny of tis Royal Highness would be Aurodon's future Grand Duke, and Crown Prince

As he is the second born... He inherits his grandfather uncle's magical sword which he and his older twin sister would inherit power from it and will take some opportunities from his father... The future former king... King Benjamin Florian Beast


Then it showed 2 faces which are the twins

Then it said

Rejection, Affection, Connection... Hearts beating Fast, Mind Thinking fast, but you will move last...

Heart Mind and Love are the ones you have to use to achieve the special people you will receive.

They will be here soon and you will be glad, you will take off your blackened heart that is mad and Bad

Closely enough and you will see, what bad person you will be, but good deeds will soon prove right and you will see how good is light.

Right, Light, Good is what you might... What you will see, what you will be, the good and the bad deeds, soon you will say good had succeed.


And they talked and the enchanted fairy had disappeared

It was also night and everyone has fallen asleep but Mal is still worrying

And so the next day

It's... Now... COTILLION!!!!!!!!!


UNBELIEVABLE! It's cotillion meaning Mal will free the villains!

But Mal is worrying??? Why???

Find out in more chapters!



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