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Hey guys ;) This is the first story I've written . . . like ever :D Its a boyxboy story. I hope you guys like it :) Anyway, please comment and vote, and feel free to point out any gramatic errors (I dont have anyone editing my work). So, this is the first chapter of my story! Enjoy! XD

All I heard at that moment was a gunshot. It took his life so quickly; there was no time to say good-bye.

"Nathan, come on, let's go play," Josh says. I turn around to see my best friend, Josh Dawson, pointing towards the center of Grant Park, where a group of our friends are playing soccer.

"You're on," I say, and race towards the group. Josh follows a little more slowly; I've always been faster than he has. We join our friends and split up into two teams; it's decided that one of the teams are to go shirtless so we can tell our teammates apart.

I watch as Josh pulls his shirt over his head, revealing his sun-toned body. I find myself staring at the way his muscles tense up when he leans over to throw his shirt to the side; and how the sunlight peeking through trees casts soft rays that glow on his skin. I feel my heartbeat stutter in my chest as Josh walks closer to me.

"Hey, Nathan, are you all right?" Josh asks.

I open my mouth to reply, but all that comes out is a harsh croak. Josh gives me a queer look and I flush crimson. Did I really just check out my best friend? The other boys on the team turn to stare at me in confusion, and I feel my insides shrivel up. Josh steps closer to me and places his hands on my shoulders.

"Are you alright, man?" He asks softly, his eyes searching mine. I shake my head slightly. Josh gives me a concerned glance through narrowed eyes, before turning to the other players. "Sorry, guys. We're gonna head out, Nathan isn't feeling well," Josh says.

"Afraid of getting creamed, Nathan?" I hear one of the boys ask. I wave the boy away good naturedly, as Josh places a hand on my shoulders and steers me away.

We walk back to my house in silence; as soon as we step inside, I race to the bathroom and slam the door shut, breathing heavily. I turn glare at the boy with dark sapphire eyes glaring back at me. I narrow my eyes and scowl at myself a moment longer before splashing ice-cold water on my face. I gasp as the frigid water drips down my face.

"Snap out of it," I growl at my reflection.

"Nathan?" I hear Josh's muffled voice outside the door.

I smooth down my unruly brown hair and open the door quickly. Josh must have been leaning against it, because as soon as I open it, he crashes into me and we fall to the floor. My body stiffens and a sharp gasp escapes me. Josh pushes himself onto his elbows to keep his weight off me. His face is so close that I can see the green flecks in his hazel eyes. He gazes down at me with a perplexed expression.

"Nathan, what happened at the park? Are-" Josh breaks off, his eyebrows furrowing together. "Are you . . . attracted to me?" He asks gently.

"I- I don't-" I break off and cover my face with my hands. We've been best friends since pre-school. Ten years! Why am I suddenly attracted to Josh? I never have been before. Wait. Now that I think about it, I've noticed how lean and handsome he is, I've just never thought this deeply about it. Also, I've never been attracted to girls. They have flirted with me several times before, and I've never responded to them like a normal guy would. I had ignored them, I hadn't flirted back. My heart rate increases as I realize the only possible answer: Oh, God, am I gay? As if he knows what I'm thinking, Josh gently pulls my hands away from my face.

"You're gay, Nathan," he murmurs, repeating the thoughts that went through my head. I look away from him and I feel my eyes begin to well up with tears. I blink rapidly to drive them away. Josh puts his hand under my chin and tilts my face back towards his. "But the best part is . . . so am I," he says softly. I inhale sharply as he leans down and kisses me.


"Are you sure you guys want to do this tonight?" Rosamaria asks. It's been a year since I found out I was gay, and since Josh and I secretly started dating. The only people that know are our best friends, Rosamaria Lopez and Bethany Adams; and our parents, who supported us. All we have left to tell is the entire student body; and we plan on doing that at the dance right now.

Josh and I nod in unison. Josh grabs my hand and we head to the gymnasium, where the dance is taking place. As we walk in, I feel everyone's gaze turn to us. A little voice at the back of my mind screams for me to run away and hide, but I ignore it and straighten up, holding my head high. We walk into the middle of the throng of students, my hand tightly gripping Josh's. Suddenly, Josh spins me around and presses his lips against mine. There's a moment of silence before the gym erupts with applause. I break away from Josh, looking up in surprise.

The night goes by in a blur. Josh and I get several pats on the back and compliments ranging from "I'm happy for you," to "Congratulations!" Not everyone seems happy, though. Josh and I get a few glares from students here and there, but we ignore them. When the dance is finally over and everyone leaves, Josh and I walk home, and we're so caught up in the thrill of the night, that we fail to notice the shadows that trail us home.

As we walk across the bridge that's a few blocks from my house, we hear a loud clatter. I look back and see three dark figures walking toward me and Josh.

"Run," Josh hisses. We sprint to the other side of the bridge, only to skid to a stop as we see two more masked figures appear. Judging from the contours of their bodies, the hooded figures are all men. Josh and I back up until we're pressed up against the railing. My heart is pounding so hard that I'm sure the men surrounding us can hear it. For a moment time seems to stop as I see one of them pull out a handgun. Then they all rush at us. Two of them grab me and haul me away, kicking and clawing.

Adrenaline courses through me and I fling my head back and feel a rush of triumph as the person holding me lets out a screech of pain. I pull away from the other man only to receive a hard blow across my jaw from him. My mouth floods with the acrid metallic taste of blood. I brush my hand across my mouth and it comes away stained with crimson. I lunge toward the man that hit me, but by then the one I hit before has already recovered, and they restrain me against the ground. I struggle against their grasp and wrench my head up as I hear Josh let out a howl of pain.

Two of the other men have Josh pinned against the railing. One of them lands a stinging clout to his stomach and another to his jaw. He stops struggling and sinks against the railing. One of the men yanks Josh's head back as the man that has the gun points it at Josh's chest.

I cry out, begging for them to stop, to have mercy on him. Josh's sad eyes flick past the man's shoulder and meet my desperate gaze for a moment. I grapple fiercely against the rough hands that hold me down and let out a desperate cry for him to fight back. Josh never stops gazing at me as the shadowed figure fires the gun and he slumps to the ground.

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