CHAPTER 2 Memories of the past

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---------- 2 days later ----------

Pov Tim

I wake up under my mother's wing but by the way, she's breathing she isn't asleep. I stay still as I hear another voice talking to my mother. "-then have a good day Alpha." I hear the other dragon take off into the air. My mother lifts her wing and looks at me "I think it's time we do what we have been talking about." I sigh and get up. "Do you really think we need to?" she nods a sad look in her eyes. "Just don't attack the guards and they won't be aggressive. Ok?" the sadness in her voice is unmistakable. I smile to her reassuringly "hey if they don't see me as a threat then I won't get put in the barrier with the humans. And I won't give them a reason to see me as a threat." she nods as I put on a cloak and walk out. I take a deep breath and start walking to the lava temple. I walk to a tree that's close to the temple.

I wait till the guards turn away then take my cloak off and sit against the tree in my human form. A guard starts to walk past me not seeing me. I say "Excuse me, good sir. Would you happen to have a glass of water on you? I'm very thirsty at the moment." the spike dragon turns to me confused as to who talked then he sees me and has the most priceless look of confusion on his face. He seems so confused as to seeing me sitting there without a care in the world that he freezes for a moment in utter disbelief.

I sit there waiting for him to get his bearings again.

---------- 2 days before ----------

Pov Rose

Rose walked away from the hybrid name Tim thinking {maybe I should have given him my full name, but then again knowing a goddess full name allows you to do certain ritual if they are the ones telling you}. By the time her thoughts added she realizes she is at crystal lake. She then had another realization {wait if am a goddess then what type of goddess am I} debating on what to do next she decided to check her pendant and then read the book about her past self to learn more about herself.

Looking at her pendant she sees it has three buttons, not two. Yes Carlos was right there is a red and green one, but there is a blue one. The green one on top, the red in the middle, and the blue on the bottom. The Pendant itself looks like a crescent moon, it's light blue with another crescent moon inside but that one is gray with five red button that looks like they are spread from top to bottoms but not in a line.

She was wondering what the blue one was for so she presses it, then a shadow spread from the pendant covering her in shadows in seconds. As soon as it started the shadows disappeared leaving her in some type of gray armor. She wanted to know what she looks like so she looks at her reflection and she found out what the blue button was for, it was made for armor, a unique type of looking armor.

It was gray armor almost covering her entire body, and it looks like one side mirrors the other. The helmet looks like a similar to a luchador mask, a line that comes from the bottom point of her jewel that is always on her forehead that looks like it apart of the helmet seems to divide into two line that goes to different sides of her face. It connects to another line that is in the middle of a piece that spreads from the helmet to a sharp point cane of like a tusk that stays flat and razor sharp that ends in the middle of her muzzle. The point color is blue then fades to orange than at the base of the tusk it fades back to the gray color of the armor When the line connects it zig down one then sag up one and turn into a black three leaf mark.

The body has the pendant in the middle of her chest and looks like apart of her armor. A line spread from the sides of the pendant to the sides of her body dividing into three part that connects to three black claw marks one line connects to the beginning of each mark. Besides the marks the body of the armor looks like an exoskeleton, if I turn my body into a cycle in one direction then it well spike out in the other and go flat in the direction I turn my body to, it in fact is all was spiking out some were my chest spike out if I lift my head up or spike out if I lift it down on my back. The only piece that stays together doesn't spike to is the shoulder armor, but it ends at a point and has a mark. That mark seems to starts at the base of the back of my neck divides into two then one line goes to one side one the other sides once one line the center of the shoulder divides into another two lines but one curls towards the head then turns into a black three pointed leaf the other line continuous then curls to the other direction then turn into another black three pointed leaf.

The arm only seems to be Gauntlets that end at the elbows. Were the elbow was is a light blue than a black line cycle around slowly going down until it met to a point on the other side then a black zig zag goes down until it reaches the wrist, the interior part of the gauntlets from the blue until the gray wrist is dark green. The line divides into five different lines that follow the bones of the paw until it reaches the middle phalange. A sharp light blue point claw on each finger goes up until it spikes out on we're the line Mets.

The leg is mostly cover where it connects to the body it spikes out like the body it goes until the ankle joint were one piece goes around and spikes up so were every then is flat only one spike sticks out. From then on there is no armor until it reaches the boot. Some as the gauntlet it starts light blue but one the black like met it divides into five until it reaches the talons that are light blue, besides the light blue pieces every then else it gray.

She really likes the armor like how the light of the afternoon sun reflects off it and- wait afternoon sun. last time she checks it was still a mourning. Wow did she really look at her reflects for a few hours. Looking at the sun again confirms that yes she did look at her reflection for a few hours. {may as well get that book} look at her chest, placing her paw where the buttons should be and add some pressure near the bottom trying to press any button a moment later shadows cover and soon disappeared.

{well that works} she then formed her wings and fly to the nest. The FlameFox nest it has five trees one in the middle of a big hill with the other four at the corners that is the only way to tell the difference besides where the trees are placed you really can't tell it apart from the other hills and trees..flying to the ground she moves the vines covering the entrance and walks in to the first floor.

The first floor only has a stone stairway deeper into the nest. The stairway leads to a hallway that spirals to the last floor. These are archways that let you enter the floors. The second floor is where everyone sleeps, on the third floor where the healers and medics live and work. The fourth floor is the nursery is which is to be kits and mothers live until the kits become nine months old to start there training under a mentor. The fifth floor where the leader's sleep and where the meetings take place. The sixth floor with all the knowledge is stored and, the last floor where the resources are stored.

Deforming her wings and making sure she didn't drop anything. She goes down the spiral hallway passing the archway that leads to the second floor, but when is about to pass the third floor she sees something interesting. The rest of the group of nine-year-olds are cover in a bunch of leaf and twigs deceived to make a tower using themselves to get to the top shelf to eat what looks like white puffs. Debating on saying any, she just let them be and go on her way making it to the sixth floor without anything else happening. She tries and thinks about where the book that may have the knowledge she wants.

"Hey Rose, what are you doing here at this hour aren't you trying to find bunny moss" she turns to see berry a flamefox. A male flamefox but has lighter fur shape as a berry on his left eye, his also in the twelve-year-olds groups. "Just looking for a book berry do you know where any books about the Guardian are?" Berry goes to the right then goes straight three rows than looks at the bottom of the shelf "what type of book?" "the one about Ruby and the base of the others" Berry grabs two books and hands them to me. "Thanks, Berry tell your father I said Will glass coffins be a success? Remains to be seen. it's a hint to something in the future."

He just looks at me a little warily and said "when you give hints that means something going to happen and coffins? Sometime about death" He starts walking away and stop at the end of the row and said over his shoulder "I'll tell him just don't burn anything" and he's gone. I just walk to a table a few rows deeper, sat down and read the title of the books. The first one said History of the Guardians and the second one said History behind the Guardian Ruby.

"Ok let's see what the other Guardian are"


Author note: I what to know how to make the words bold or a different way

Guardians of DrakosoarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora