CHAPTER 1 Reborn Into A New Life

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----------ten years later----------

Carlos the alpha of the Flamefox tribe walks into the training field with a book titled Basic guide to the command structure. He looks around and sees a group of kit around the age of nine in the field waiting for Carlos to start their lesson. "ok kits today lesson is about the rank system of this world and a little bit of the Guardians" said Carlos walking and sitting in the middle of the group kit. one kit in particular sit in front of Carlos she has a Luna pendant hanging around her neck and a red jewel that's shaped like a diamond with a flame symbol in the middle that's on her forehead, and a tuft of long fur hanging off the top of her head. Carlos looks around the kits to make sure they are listening and starts reading.

"You can tell what rank each Dragon goes into by a glowing chest that stops close to the middle of their necks and wings. they start to glow once they in the middle of their teens." The kits with the Luna pendant looks at her chest and she sees that she has a red glow, but she knows she was born with that. she is now very curious.

"alpha dominant or/and leader of a group or pack. Their glow is red."

[I'm an alpha? but I'm nine and eleven months. I'll ask Carlos later] she now straightens up a little, the other kit looks at her a little questionable.

"Betas The job of the Betas is to serve as an advisor/helper to the Alpha(s) exclusively and to help them greet newcomers. Their glow is blue."

"Delta They act as mediators (eg. helping to resolve disagreements), messengers (taking messages between pack members or between packs) and counselors (helping pack members with any troubles they might have). There is glow is green."

"Gamma protector, if you will. The Gammas are responsible for making sure that everything is safe. Their glow is orange."

"Omega An Omega is the lowest ranking member The Omega has a lot of spare time and usually goes hungry for food if there is a food shortage. Their glow is white."

"Zeta refers to creatures who have opted out of traditional societal expectations that serve as a helper, builder, protector, provider, defender, and mates while accepting that these roles also require them to be disposed of if required – in mind, body and not infrequently in death. their glow is a sliver."

he turns the page look up to check on the kits seeing the looks he starts reading the next page.

"Now everyone knows that Core made each pendant that the Guardian wears almost the time. The pendants are unbreakable as long as the person they are made for is alive and they have the owner's magic signature. On the pendant, there are two buttons one red, one green. red is for their cloaks and green for their favorite weapon." They all straighten up and looks at him with their full attention. he is now putting the book down to show the kit the picture of the pendants.

"Ruby has the Luna pendant (a crescent moon). Her favorite weapons are double bladed sword the size of a glaive that is similar to a haladie (she calls it a double-bladed glaive) and dual wield reverse daggers. Her cloak is black with a dark blue outline."

The kit look at her pendant looks just the same as in the picture [i have Ruby's pendant. how? they said someone left it with me when they found me by crystal lake six years ago.] she is now questioning a lot of things now.

"Leo has the spike pendant. His favorite weapons are Katar, bow, and arrow.His cloak is a dark blue cloak with a light green outline."

"Jack has the sun pendant. His favorite weapons are gauntlets and a spiked mace.His cloak is dark green with a white outline."

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