Spyke x fem reader

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(You put whatever name you'd like in _. Hopefully I got Spyke's cockney right.)

"Spyke!" _ Ran and threw her arms around his neck and nuzzled up against his cheek. Spyke reached over and closed his laptop before hugging her back.

"_, what brings ya 'round here?" _ got off him and took his hand. "I got some time off, so I came to spend time with you." She said while messing with his bracelets.

"That's great love, but me work, it ain't goin' to do itself."

"You're always doing your work. C'mon, spend time with me today." _ pouted. Spyke stood up and ran his fingers down her hair with his other hand.

"Fine, fine, but you better keep me entertained, or I might ditch ya." _ smiled, then reached into her back pocket. "I got us tickets for a clam blitz game at Goby Arena!"

"What's so great 'bout a silly ol' clam blitz game?"

"It's not just any game, it's Emporer's team vs Goggles's team!" Spyke stared at her for a moment. "Not gettin' wot you're sayin', but I'd love to go wif you anyway."

_ put her arms around him again. "Thank youuu."

"Welcome love, jus' let me order a latte 'fore we go." Spyke said before patting her back and heading towards the counter. He didn't order though, instead stepped one foot at a time over the counter and made it himself.

"You act like you own this place." _ said, latching onto his arm. "I cou'd prolly buy ten of 'em." Spyke said while walking out with her.

"Our seats are over this way." _ said pointing. When Spyke sat down his legs were forced to be higher than a 90 degree angle. "Sorry... I chose a higher seat so we wouldn't get hit by ink, but I didn't know it would be so cramped.."

"It's fine, much rader be a lil uncomfortable than covered in ink."

The game started. Team emperor broke the other team's barrier almost instantly and got a 38 point lead. The blue team broke their barrier twice but eventually lost 36-89. Blue won the next game 60-52. The final match began.

Spyke yawned then leaned on _. "Your, your spikes are tickling me." _ said between laughs. Spyke started shaking his head. "Spyyyke, stop it!" _ pushed on his shoulder,  laughing a little uncontrollably. 

"I'm gettin' quite tired _, this'll be over soon, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, just watch." Two of the blue team broke the barrier and all of the emporer team was dead. Blue team KOd. "Ready to go?" _ got up and held out her hand to Spyke.

"Of course." Spyke said before he took it and tried to stand up. He fell onto _ but she caught him. "Me legs... They're so weary."

"Oh I'm so sorry, please come to my home, you can rest there." 

"Is it far?" Spyke asked. He had his hand behind _'s back and on her shoulder. "No, no, it's between the square and the reef." She answered.

Spyke let out a huge sigh as he sat on the couch. "Thanks you love." He set his feet on the coffee table. "Oh, it's nothing. Do you need anything?" _ asked him.

"A lemonade wou'd be a blessin'" When _ came back with his drink she set it on the table. "Anything else..?" She asked, sitting next to him rubbing his thigh.

"Nothin' except bein' wif you." 

"Can we hug?" 

"Anytime." Spyke replied. _ put her arms around his neck again. Spyke put his hands around her waist. He moved his hands up under her shirt.

"Spyke... your hands are cold." 

"Then warm 'em up for me, love." Spyke moved his hands higher up and unhooked her bra. "Sp-Spyke what are you doing!" _ took it out her shirt, she didn't want to get up and put it away, so she just set it behind her.

"Whoops, looks like me hands slipped."

"You're not funny Spyke." _  went back to hugging Spyke. "I just wanted to cuddle with you." She said softly.

"I'll cuddle wif ya, but I gotta go back to the cafe in a bit." _ smiled at him before pressing her face against his. "Thank you."

"Oi, _." Spyke patted _'s back until she woke up. "Huh?" _ rose up. "Spyke what time is it?"

"Love, it's almost 10 PM. You've been sleepin' on me chest quite a while."

"Oh, oh I'm so sorry. I bet I was preventing you from doing your work..."

"It's alright, touchin' ya boobs while you slept was better than workin'." _ realized where his hand was. "SPYKE!" She got up and and grabbed a pillow and pushed it in his face.

Spyke laughed and snatched the pillow from her. He held it high above his head. "Oi, ya also got drool on me poncho, if anyfing I shou'd be hittin' you wif this pillow."

_ went up on her knees and took it back, then placed it where it belongs. "I guess so, but I couldn't control that."

Spyke stood up. "Time to get goin'." He said yawning. "Wait." _ got up too, she stood on her toes and kissed Spyke.

"That was very sweet, love." Spyke reached down and picked up the lemonade then walked to the door. "I'm takin' ya glass so you gotta visit me ag'in."

"Wait, I could get you a throw-away cup..."

"Nope, see ya _." Spyke said before leaving. _ watched the door for a moment then looks back at the couch. "He left a bracelet. I'm definitely going to go see him tomorrow." She slips it on her wrist and heads to bed.

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