The Princess & The Dragon

Start from the beginning

"Nothing Luce." He grinned once more. 

"What a rude little boy." She thought to herself, turning away from him she walked to her door. She looked back at the Dragon Vessel. 

"Then I shall take my leave." With that, she left. 

Lucy Heartfillia was not to be disrespected in such a manner, the young boy must learn his manners. She walked down the long halls but quickly felt her magic shake, her entire body shook as she felt herself fall to her knees. The impact never came because someone had grabbed her. She looked up to meet the onyx eyes of the Dragon Vessel. His scales were now showing on his face and his fangs grew longer, his arms were warm as well. 

Bells chimed loudly throughout the palace signaling an attack, the barrier was trying to be broken down. Lucy's magic was still strong enough to hold up the barrier. Two guards ran over to where she was and Natsu gently pulled her up. 

"Natsu what are-" Natsu cut the guard off. 

"Watch her and I'll be back." Natsu then jumped out of an open window in the hall, his wings revealed in the daylight. Lucy could only watch in awe, for a young boy he did have a mature side to him. 


 Their relationship had grown more into a friendship, the two would talk whenever he had been in the Kingdom, yet it has been a year since he last saw her.  The 23-year-old woman had grown more beautiful than he last saw her, with her long hair pinned up by a beautifully crafted golden pin. She smiled brightly as she saw him, yet a man was beside her. Natsu was now 16 and he felt sick to his stomach as he watched the man rest a hand on her shoulder.

"Natsu it has been a while." She greeted him bowing softly. Yet he saw an evil aura around her as she walked towards him, she then threw a handkerchief in his face. "You did not write me you brat!" She exclaimed Natsu could only chuckle nervously as he was scowled at in front of his two best friends and an unknown stranger. The stranger merely smiled awkwardly as he made eye contact with Natsu, the dragon vessel felt very unwelcomed by him.

"This is Lucy's fiancee Haru, Haru this is Dragon Vessel Natsu Dragneel." Erza introduced. Haru merely nodded at Natsu and quickly whispered something in Lucy's ear, the blonde haired princess's smile faltered and she merely nodded as he walked away. 

"We're still getting used to the introduction, Haru is from the Saber Kingdom." She spoke up. "Natsu walk with me?" The pink haired boy nodded as he followed her out into the garden. The red roses stood out in the garden, the koi fish in the small pond swam peacefully and Lucy sat down on a bench. 

"How is everything Luce?" He asked. She simply smiled at him, but it didn't quite reach the eye. 

"Still not respecting your elders I see." She replied. Natsu never liked to see her as an elder, he felt like a really stupid kid for even having a crush on someone who was older than him. He understood that Lucy was now the Queen of Fairy Tail, yet the decisions were up to the advisor of the Kingdom. He knew that Lucy did not mind having Makarov made decisions, she was still tired out from keeping the barrier up for so many years.

"You look as tired as ever." He commented after a moment of silence. He looked at her to only see her looked downcast, her golden hair seemed dull and the sparkle in her eyes was no longer seen. 

"It's been tiring keeping the barrier up, the talk of war is being spread around the Kingdom and Sabertooth refuses to back down. Zeref had not been seen in so long and now they suspect that you are our vessel." She must have seen a look in his eye because she laughed lightly and ruffled his hair. "I made a public announcement that we no longer have a Dragon Vessel, goodness you have grown taller." She stood up from the bench and turned to look at him. 

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