Chapter 13

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"You scared me half to death, " Cat Noir said letting out a huge sigh. He was kneeling over her body, hands place of either side of her head. "I called your name, but you didn't respond."

She felt horrible that she had scared him. But he was really close at the moment, she couldn't make a coherent sentence. "I" she tried to say, but nothing else would follow.

Why was Cat Noir hovering over her? Why couldn't she breathe? Was something wrong with her? Marinette's mind was flooded with questions.

"I'm sorry-"

"I'm sorry-"

They both laughed.

Why does this always happen? Cat Noir said to himself. He watched Marinette blush as she laughed.

"I'm sorry I woke you up," he said smiling.

"And I'm sorry for scaring you," she said.

"Well now that I've lost one of my nine lives..." he started to say. "Let me at least help you up." He backed up and reach his hand towards her to grab.

Without hesitation she placed her hand in his, allowing him to help her up off the ground.

"Thanks Kitty," she smiled, feeling a little embarrassed.

He stood there for a moment, still holding her hand. "You're welcome Mari." Had she ever called him Kitty before?

"So what brings you by tonight?" She asked, wanting to gloss over her obvious embarrassment.

"Oh...well, I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd see how you were doing after the first week of school." He said, trying not to give away his real reason for stopping by tonight.

"So far, so good. I had a bunch of homework to do tonight, but I finish earlier than I thought," she said.

"That's great," he smiled. "I got almost all of mine done, and all that's left is an assignment for an elective class. I have most of it drawn up."

"Sounds like mine," she sighed. "I just finished something tonight that is due tomorrow."

"Can I see?" He asked, knowing that she was working on the same project as him.

"Promise not to laugh?" She asked.

"Pinky promise," he grinned, holding up his pinky for her to grab.

Marinette giggled and grab his pinky before walking over to her table. She did how ever forget that Cat Noir was still holding her left hand, and gently tugged him with her.

"Sorry," her face burned up from her own clumsiness.

"You don't have to ever apologize to me," he simply said, smiling. "It was my own fault for not letting go of your hand. Although, you can drag me around me, if you want to." He tightened the grip he had on her hand, gently squeezing it.

"Maybe I should get you a collar and leash then" she laughed.

"As long as it's green," he grinned.

Marinette couldn't hold it back, she busted up laughing.

"Did I break you?" He asked, trying not to laugh too.

"Just a little bit, " she smiled, returning back to her normal self. "Anyways, here is my notebook." She set the book on his hand. He let go of her hand so he could look through the book.

She had marked the page with her mask on it. It reminded him of Ladybug, but Marinette would be just as pretty wearing it...oh, no. Not again.
He was comparing the two lady's in his life.

He looked up from the notebook and caught the blush across Marinette's freckles.

"Well? What do you think?" She asked. "I know it's not super good, or anything-"

"Yes it is," he quickly responded. "Not everyone can't create such a beautiful thing so easily. Trust me," he confidently told her.

"I guess you're right. And hopefully one day I'll be able to create my own line of clothing."

"That would be amazing," he said, eyes wide open. "I can't wait."

"Are you saying that you would wear something I made?" She asked.

"Of course I would. I wish all designers put so much detail in their fashion lines, as you do."

"How do you know so much about fashion?" She asked, curious about his responses.

Cat Noir stood there for a moment. How could he explain his knowledge of the fashion world, without her finding out who he was?

"I have a friend who is a model," he said, hoping not to give away his secret.

"Me too!"

Curious Kitty (Miraculous Reveal)Where stories live. Discover now