He was so tiny.

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He looked so fragile.

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Hmmm... that's odd.

I slowly lifted the frame to get a better look. The baby, I'm assuming is Nikolai, was in an incubator... was he premature? 

I pierced my eyes upon all three pictures that I didn't even hear her come back into the room. "Those were the worse but best memories of my Nikolai when he was in the hospital", she says softly.

Not even moving my eyes from the pictures, "why was he in this incubator?" It just didn't sit right with me that the little boy in the picture was the same one I took care of for a month. I slowly sit next to her on the couch in my own thoughts.

"He came early".

"How come?" I had to know why, I was determine to know the reason.

* * *

Makayla P.O.V

"How come", he seemed determine to know why Nikolai was a premie.

"Well basically ...."


I walked into the house from my classes.

"Where the fuck you been girl !"

I turn and see Spencer on the couch with white residue around his nose. Oh no, hopefully this doesn't go bad. I ignored him and tightened my hand on my backpack.

"Oh so you don't hear me now bitch? Well let's fix that.

Next thing I know he grabs the handle of my bag. "You stupid  bitch!" He throws me on the floor and starts punching me in the face, so I cover my face as best I can. Big mistake. Spencer takes that open opportunity to kick me in my stomach repeatedly. He kept kicking as hard as he could from my huge stomach to my ribs and back, "I hope that bitch ass baby dies!"

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