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here you go @MsSeavey
hope you enjoy 💘

"a-are we actually jumping off of this..?" Jami asked, her voice shaking from how nervous she was. she looked down the cliff and at the water at the bottom. she broke a small, nervous sweat. her anxiety must've kicked in.

"well y-yeah, we're s-s-supposed t-to" Bill said as he took a small gulp. he was nervous, but not as nervous as Jami. She looked over at Stan, her best friend. She's closest to him than everyone else in the club.

Stanley turned towards Jami. "hey, you okay?" he asked Jami in a small, faint whisper which she managed to hear. "y-yeah, just a bit s-scared. " jami said, tucking a few loose strands of hair behind her ear. from Stanley's point of view, she was acting a bit different than usual.

Stanley gently placed his hand on Jami's arm, holding onto her softly. "you don't have to be scared, you're not gonna get hurt" he assured her, sliding his hand down from her arm to her hand, tightly but gently gripping onto it.

Jami's nervous expression slightly changed. she smiled softly, looking down at her feet as she blushed. she low key has a crush on Stan, and this is a big step. Stanley himself made a move, not her.

"okay" Jami mumbled softly as she tried to be confident. She was on the verge of almost breaking down, but because Stanley was here, she felt a bit safer. The fact that he cares made her feel better too.

"so who's going first?" richie asked the group, looking down at the water after playing loogie with the boys. he won the game. the boys shrugged while Jami just stood there nervously. Stanley still continued to hold onto her, trying to boost her confidence and make her feel better.

"i'll go" a soft voice said behind them. they all turned around to see a short redhead, who was unbuttoning her dress. once she was left in her undergarments, she ran straight forward before jumping down. everyone looked at her. how could she just do that without being scared? all the boys were a bit scared, and so was Jami. "sissies!" beverly yelled out as she splashed into the water.

"holy shit," Richie yelled out, being his usual self. "we just got shown off by a girl.. no offense Jami.." Richie added, the boys nodding at what richie said at the end. "it's fine" Jami said, "it's not like i'm as brave as her or anything" she said, mumbling so that no one would hear, but Stanley did.

everyone jumped down, one by one, until it was just Stanley and Jami. first Bill went after Beverly. we all know he has a thing for her. afterwards Ben went. he also has a thing for Beverly. funny right? then Richie and Eddie went, leaving Stan alone with Jami.

"are you still scared?" Stanley whisper-asked Jami as he stood a little bit away from the cliff, taking his time with her. he genuinely cared about her, having a different kind of relation ship with her than the other losers.

"yeah, a bit" Jami mumbled, looking at the ground with a small frown. she felt as if she was ruining this day for Stanley. Stanley lifted up her chin and smiled softly at her. "you'll be fine," he told her assuringly. "lets jump together" he said, grabbing Jami's hand again and walking towards the edge cliff.

Jami felt somethings in her gut. it felt weird. she felt this before, but only with Stan. she couldn't figure out what it was but she loved it. she tightly held onto Stanley's hand.

"3.." Stan began to count down

"2" Jami said, looking into Stanley's eyes. Gosh how she loved those brown eyes.

"1" Stanley counted last before nodding towards Jami. they both held onto each other's hand before jumping off the edge of the cliff. the wind felt good as they made it closer to the bottom.

Stanley and Jami landed near each other in the water. Once they were down, Stan quickly resurfaced to find Jami and see if she was okay. he swam over to where she was. Jami had a big smile on her face. "i'm guessing that you liked it" Stanley said to her as a smile formed on his lips.

"that was so much fun, i really liked it, maybe we should do it again, together-" Jami was going on and on, talking about how much she liked it before Stanley crashed his lips onto hers. Jami didn't kiss back at first, unsure of what to do. she eventually melted into the kiss.

the losers cheered and clapped for Stanley and Jami, for they had always known that they had a thing for each other.

Jami pulled away, a shocked expression on her face. "what was that for?" she asked, thinking that he kissed her for some bad reason. "i like you Jami. i know that's very straightforward but i do. and i couldn't help myself, it felt like the perfect time" Stan let out, chuckling softly at the end.

Jami smiled. "i like you too Stanley" she said to him with a smile before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hug, still in the water.

"KISS AGAIN!" richie yelled out, making Stan and Jami blush. this time, Jami leaned forward to kiss Stan this time.

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