Coming Together

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As Kara ran out, she felt tears on her face. 

She loved two people, and they were in love with each other.

How the heck was she supposed to cope!!?!?


She considered getting drunk, but then Barry or Oliver might find out, and she couldn't afford that.

So she just walked around.

When she came home, she heard, "You're not my coal mine supervisor!" She wondered what could possibly make that appropriate. And who said it.

"Barry? Oliver?" she asked as she stepped inside. (They paused it) 

She walked over to the couch, and saw Archer playing. "You watch Archer!?!?" she yelled happily. Barry nodded, while Oliver frowned. 

She sat down, and felt both men shift awkwardly.

"Uh... Kara?" Barry asked. Kara shifted to look at him. "Do... Do you love me?" he asked.

Kara stared at him.

She wouldn't lie.

"Yes," she admitted. 

Barry looked at her, and kissed her. "I love you too," he said. Oliver poked her shoulder. "I do too," he whispered. Kara stared at them both. "Really?" she asked. They both nodded. 

Then she shifted so he head so it was on Barry's shoulder and her feet on Oliver's lap. Barry started to message her shoulders, and Oliver messaged her feet.

Then they un-paused it, and laughed as hey watched the rest of the episode.


Note: I changed my mind. There won't be an epilogue. Sorry! 

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it.

@Flarrow out!

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