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Hey guys! this is just a little about the book and to get a little background.

This book has mature content, and language so for that reasoning it's restricted.

I am writing this with my phone, so sorry if I mispell or make a lot of mistakes. I would love to have an editor! Ok, enough of my talking.


Zayn malik grew up in the Uk .

Zayn was the type of classic guy but he was different, he did unexpected things at unexpected times in the most unreal places. Growing up he didn't remember much of his childhood because people don't remeber what they dont want to remember..

To him from what he remembers it was horible and painful, which is why he moved to New York to study, and run away from what he rememberd.

To find more opportunities, which is where he met a beautiful girl named; Kara Marie.

She was a young girl very different from Zayn.

She liked to party and to be like everyone else, she did not try to be different.

She was afraid of different, the way we would be affraid of an open ocean, or a storm taking everything away from you.

She hated different only because she knows what different felt like, and what 'different' people do, until she met Zayn. 'Different' was a good thing which is how people realize different isn't bad its just..



Kara Marie and Zayn Malik are two different people.

The kind you would expect to never talk, or simply meet but of course what you don't expect is what happens most of the time, and this is their story.

The story of how they changed each others ways of living, thinking, and just changed each other for good.

The story of how love can really last, no matter how hard it can be.

Their story.

Amnesia Z.M.Where stories live. Discover now