15th April 2014

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We were huddled into a dark room by these three men who spoke a language that was unknown to me . The language was harsh to the ear and unpleasant. My friend and classmate Sarah Pogo was nowhere to be found.

I replayed the kidnapping scenario over in my head. It happened shortly after we finished mathematics class at our Government school in Borno, Sarah was grabbed alongside with other females and  thrown into different vans . These vans were green and made out of hard metal it reminded  me of  those used to transport army equipment. The inside of the car was wide giving the impression it was made to contain a lot of storage. I was the first to be thrown into the van followed by several other girls colliding against the hard walls of the container. The steel door was slammed shut and the truck was hit by the side as a signal to start moving. In our truck we had a man watching us. The rest of us girls cuddled and stayed by the corner of the truck trembling in fear. It was hot and stuffy. The small 5cm window that was meant to act as ventilation was blocked by girls who were desperate for air. Suddenly i was startled by the loud sound of bombs setting off. The girls struggling for the scarce air scuttled to the nearest corner in fear. Then it occurred to me these people were worse than i thought and we were in for much more.

I look at the door that acted as a barrier between us  girls and the outside world that we once lived in. My eyes fill up with tears as i remember my mother and how she taught me many things particularly to remain observant and vigilant. I thought this door and the men  guarding the other side of the door were going to be the main reasons our goals in life may not be reached. I tear up even more as i realize my future career may not be accomplished. I'm wondering if we could make an escape or better, be rescued from this.

We were left the whole day without given any food to eat and many of us had failed to have a meal before the incident.  I tried calming most of my friends down. The room i was in formed a prayer faction. This provided hope to many of us that someday we will escape. At the moment we hope many are aware that there is a major problem and are seeking justice.


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