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Later that afternoon, Koco, followed by Jackson, burst through the mahogany door separating Knox's office from the rest of the gallery. Thanks to Jackson, the little girl knew when it was Knox's lunch break and she took advantage of that bit of information, racing to his location the first chance she got. She'd missed her brother's presence. Koco thought Jackson was nice and fun but he couldn't compare to her Bubba.

She stomped her way to his desk and stopped in front of him. Knox looked away from the computer screen to Koco and started to smile until he seen the frown etched on her young face. With a worried look, his eyes switched between his sister and his mentor.

He asked, "What's wrong?"

While Jackson shrugged and sat in a seat, Koco huffed and stomped around the desk to stand directly next to Knox.

"I am mad!" She told her brother. Knox's brow went up.

"Why are you mad?"

"Because," she stressed, adorably pacing in front of him, "you said we was gonna have a sista-brotha day. But you can't-you can't have a sista-brotha day without a sista an' a brotha! I haven't seen you all day an' I missed-ed you. You broke my heart, Bubba." She pouted and covered her face with her hands.

Knox pouted along with her as he lifted her up onto his lap. He tried to take her hands from her face but she wouldn't budge. So he hugged her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm sorry, Bubbie,"-he kissed the crown of her head-"I've been working and doing older people stuff. I didn't mean to break your heart."

Slowly, Koco took her hands off of her face. Knox smiled. "I missed-ed you too. Can I get a kiss?" She nodded her head and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Alright! You forgive me?" She nodded her head again, and Knox's smile grew in size.

"That was easy." Jackson commented.

Knox stood and tossed Kolina into the air which had her tittering. He gave her a smacking kiss on her chubby cheek and sat her on his hip.

"Did you eat anything?" Knox asked her.

"I bought 'er a Lunchable and some cookies earlier," Jackson spoke up as he stood and straightened the labels of his suit.

"Oh, okay, cool. Thanks, man." Knox shook hands with Jackson before training his eyes on his little goddess. "Are you still hungry?"

"Uh-uh," she said, shaking her head.

"So, I guess that means you won't want any ice cream either, huh?"

"I do want ice cream!" She yelled.

"A'ight, you don't have to yell in my ear. Jackson, I'm 'bout to head out to lunch. Can you-"

"You already know that I got you, son. I'll handle stuff while you're gone."

"A'ight, thanks." With Koco on his hip, Knox started to leave.

"You know, I would suggest that you take Aiden wit' you, since you buyin' 'er McDonalds and pickin' 'er up, but she already gone."

"Where'd she go?" Knox questioned, ignoring everything else his mentor had said.

"Dana said she went somewhere with Malia."

"Who the hell is Malia?"

"The Spanish, finger-paintin' girl that talks too much. I swear that girl has the attention span of a doorknob but she talented though."

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