Lies and Truths

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Have you ever felt so overwhelmed and confident for knowing the truth while they stressed themselves telling you lies?

Have you ever felt like witnessing a murder before your eyes and the murderers keep on making up stories? It sucks, but you'll eventually thank that you know what really happened. They're so flustered and in trepidation making stories and connecting lies while you just sit in a corner, laughing and watching them burn their minds filled with lies. Until when are you going to watch them? There will come a time when they'll eventually get tired of inventing stories and finally admit that they did wrong. But that's not easy as you thought it would be. Even if you thought that their answers will satisfy you, you'll exasperately find yourself in the verge of abhor because they lied to you and it took them a long time to admit it to you.They have constructed a plan against you. They've plotted vengeance to drag you down. And you know what's worse than that? It's because they were the ones who you've been with when you plotted vengeance to others. They are the ones you were with when you talked about others behind their back. It's just so sad that they did to you what you used to do with them. Everything has a cripple effect. It's happening to you because you did something. You know, people will not always understand you. Some can't accept answers if they really don't want to and you can't force them. And that applies also with honesty. You can't force a person to admit his/her mistake even if evidences are laid in from of him/her.

Some can't just accept mistakes. Some can't just take the truth.

That's a simple fact here on Earth.

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