Chapter 48 - A Certain Surprise

Start from the beginning

"Lana, you stay here. Everything should be sorted by the time you've rested up" I responded with a mock salute at Franky's words, which he only laughed off, heading out himself to the Toy House, where he was to act as a distraction for the destruction of Doflamingo's Underground Port. Soon, only a handful of people were left in the underground cavern that served as a rendezvous point for the dwarves, including the dwarf doctor, Mary, who was currently responsible for my treatment.

"Don't worry; everything will be taken care of by our comrades. They've been preparing for this for years. You can trust them" Mary stated with a determined grin as she changed the IV, moving to check the sutures holding most of my wounds close.

"I know, but I can't help but worry. You can kind of tell, nothing seems to go according to plan when it involves my crew" I stated with a weak grin, thoughts running through my mind a hundred miles a minute, knowing that I wouldn't be able to predict even the worst that my crewmates could experience. Mary only gave an expression of consolation before changing my bandages in silence. I didn't know how long I lay there on the bedding, but at some point, I had completely blacked out, because when I came to, Mary was the only one in the cavern with me.

"Hey" My voice came out croaky, heavy with exhaustion. i regarded my surroundings in confusion, not knowing how much time had passed since the others had left.

"You're finally up. I was beginning to wonder if there was something I was overlooking" Mary chuckled as she fluttered about my person, checking the tubes and bandages that ran across my body. "I have to say, your healing along very nicely, I think I can take most of these off" She gestured to the IV lines and began to remove them with the upmost care, being cautious with the wounds that had yet to close up.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, my mind clearing enough for me to ask about the others and worry at the others' absence.

"You've been out of it for a while. I just got a message from your crew member. Everything's done and dusted, and they should be sending someone to come and get you" She smiled before beginning to pack her own things.

"Aren't you coming as well?" I asked as I sat up, leaning back against the boulder that was propped behind me.

"No, I'm going to go find my family. No doubt they will need medical assistance" Mary stated with a smile, as she continued to pack the necessary medical supplies. When she'd mentioned her family, I knew she wasn't only referring to her immediate blood ties, already registering how close the dwarf tribe where with each other.

"I can help, take me with you. I feel bad that you spent all your time helping me, when you could have been out there helping your friends and family" I felt bad, terrible actually, that the conflict was over and all I had done was lay useless in an underground safe room, concealed and protected whilst everyone risked their lives. My crew members could be injured right now and I did nothing to help them.

"I know what you're thinking dear, but the best thing you did was sit tight and rest whilst your crew mates fought out there. You would have only worried them if you had gone out there" Mary stated, resolve and conviction strong in her tone as she placed a comforting hand over my own. Faint footsteps could be heard echoing off the walls, only growing louder as the minutes passed.

"You look better than before" The voice muttered as it neared, taking me only a second to recognise it to belong to a certain moss-haired swordsman. When he'd gotten close enough, he ruffled my hair a little in greeting before taking a seat beside me, removing his swords from his belt to rest beside him.

"How did everything go? Knowing you, you probably ran into a tonne of trouble" I stated with a smile as I grabbed his hand, running my fingertips over his bruised knuckles. He looked like he could definitely use a good night's rest; his shoulders were hunched over as his eyelids fluttered shut with exhaustion. Mary had turned away, seemingly to give us some privacy as she continued about her business before throwing a rucksack over her shoulders.

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