He asked to the naked reflection in front of him. He tried to remember all the drama or shojo he knew, why would a guys suddenly stop loving someone he like. Then, he understood when his eyes stopped on his stomach. It was that, right? He gained too much weight. He became fat. He became ugly, dark and round. He smiled weakly, touching his cheeks. There were too big, he looked like a stupid hamster. His ass was too big. Not to mention his tights. He was trembling, now. His skin was darker than usual, right? He was sure, now. That was the reason. He needed to change that, he needed to make Taekwoon love him again.


He started a diet. Well, he convinced himself that it was just a diet. In fact, he stopped eating. Usually, it would be Taekwoon who made sure that Hakyeon eat enough when he come back late. But he stopped, and with that, Hakyeon stopped eating the evening, lying to the other, saying he already ate. He also started buying creams to bleach skins that he found on internet. It was expensive, and he wasn't sure if it worked, but he needed to try.
He became obsessed with his appearance. At the point where it made the other members upset and they started to take some distance.

Taekwoon started to be really clingy with the other members, especially with Jaehwan,and especially when Hakyeon was here. He tried his best to ignore it, but it was hurting so much.

One day, Wonshik came talk to him, apparently angry.

'' can't you say to your stupid kitten to take off his dirty hands from my Jyani? It's so annoying hyung, he hug him more than me! ''

'' He's not mine, Shikkie. He was never mine. ''

Said Hakyeon, starring blankly in front of him.

'' Hyung... Everything is alright? You're acting weird, lately... ''

'' yes of course, don't worry Shikkie! ''

Wonshik was about to say something, but Jaehwan suddenly came, and it distracted Wonshik who turned his attention toward his puppy and forgot about this incident.


Hakyeon was getting skinnier and skinnier, but no matter how skinny he was, Taekwoon wound't laid an eye on him. So he never stopped his so called '' diet '', hiding himself under larger clothes when Minhyuk told him he was worried about him, and Hongbin asked him if he was eating enough.

Hongbin... Hongbin his vaillant knight, who always protected him. He never stopped keeping an eye on him, and despite Hakyeon doing his best to hide, he noticed when Hakyeon would throw up the food he just ate. He freaked out, wondering what happened. He didn't know how to react to help Hakyeon. If he tell the other, Hakyeon would hate him and closing himself from the other. If he didn't, his condition would be worse. He absolutely needed to talk about it. And the person, in his opinion, who knew Hakyeon the best, would be Taekwoon.

'' Do you know what's wrong with Hakyeon hyung? Did you have a fight with him? ''

Taekwoon didn't move, his eyes barely flicked from the book he was reading. It was getting on Hongbin's nerves. How could he ignore his best friend's condition?

'' Hyung, please you need to talk to him, I'm really worried , and- ''

They were suddenly interrupted by a loud tud, coming from the kitchen, with the sound of glasses scattering. They looked at each other, realisation flashing through their eyes.


They rushed into the kitchen, to find Hakyeon unconscious, laying in the floor, pieces of glasses around him, some cuting his arms and tainting the white floor with red. Taekwoon froze, his mind stopped functioning. What happened. When. Where. He suddenly realized that he haven't watched Hakyeon properly since ... Since when? Last time he saw him, he wasn't sure, when was it? Yesterday? Last week? Last month?... But he was sure, he had that pretty smile on his face, he was giggling, his cheeks full that he wanted to kiss so badly, his tanned skin giving him this exotic beauty that he loved so much. But all of that was gone. His face was pale, so pale, his cheeks was hollowed, he had dark circles under his closed eyes, his hair seemed to have fall a lot,and they were dull. What happened to him? What happened to his Yeonnie?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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