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I wrote this short one shot because with few people, we noticed that during the closer era, something seemed weird between these two, like if they were distant, and i started to imagine what happened... forgive me i'm still struggling a lot to write in english so there would be probably a lot of mistakes jeehfiuaehfp anyway hope you will enjoy 

Yes, that's true. They never dated. They absolutely never dated. But no one could deny it, their relationship was special. Everyone know it, Hakyeon was the only one who weren't afraid by Taekwoon when they first met. He was never afraid to hug or touch him, talk to him, even if sometimes it involved talking alone. It wasn't a secret anymore how Hakyeon would rely on Taekwoon when he was tired, how he would let Taekwoon catching him if he was about to fall. And even if the members teased them a lot, saying it was one-sided friendship, they knew very well how Taekwoon would talk only to Hakyeon of he wasn't feeling well, or if he just wanted to talk. They knew that Hakyeon was the only one who could give to him this feeling of security. They knew how Taekwoon would do small things for Hakyeon when he think nobody see him. Cooking his favorite dish or cleaning his room when he's tired. Buying '' extra '' snacks or banana milk. And what only Hakyeon knew, is how Taekwoon would always complimenting him.

'' your skin is pretty, don't worry ''
Would he say if he see Hakyeon staring at his reflection too intensely.

'' you're still cutter ''
Would he say if he saw everyone dying over Jaehwan 's aegyo and Hakyeon putting.

'' you're better than them, you're even the best.''
Would he whisper to his ear if he see him eying other dancers performance with envy.

'' you're beautiful '' '' you're doing great '' '' you're a good leader ''

Always small talk with his soft voice, that would make Hakyeon's stomach twist.

That was the secret of his legendary self confidence. He didn't care being called selfish or narcissistic. If Taekwoon said it, then it's true. But of course, he would never say it loudly. Taekwoon wound't like it.

However, despite their so special relationships, despite them being '' life long friends '', something changed. Hakyeon didn't notice at first, he just thought Taekwoon was in a bad day. But days, then weeks passed, and Taekwoon was growing more and more distant. He stopped talking to him when they were only the two of them. He stopped holding his hands discreetly when no one was watching. He started pushing him if Hakyeon was about to hug or touch him. He became so cold, so distant but the worse was when he stopped complimenting him, and do the opposite. If Hakyeon was asking, jokingly, '' am I ugly '' Taekwoon would say '' yes. '' If Hakyeon would do aegyo, he would turn his back with the other. He wasn't watching him dance anymore. He didn't cook only for him anymore.

Of course, Hakyeon didn't say anything, didn't show that he was hurt. But he was suffering so much, it was like hundred of knives stabbing his chest constantly. He felt so lonely, despite his friends from other groups, despite his own members.

He cound't bare this pain. He cound't stay like this, he had to fix this. So he started interroging himself.

'' What changed? Why Taekwoon suddenly found me ugly? "

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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