"Your name sweetie?" She asked. She was in her late forties. Her hair was in a weird twisted updo and I swear her smile seemed like it could melt ice.

"Elenora Snow." I said quietly. Her eyes widened.

"As in Albert and Sidney's Elenora?" She asked with her eyes still wide. Guess politeness goes out of the window when curiousity comes in.

"Yes." I replied curtly. This is not something I want to discuss on an already crappy day.

"I'm Alice dearie. I knew your parents quite well." She smiled at me again. I was gonna say something when a cold voice behind me spoke.

"And I don't feel like waiting in this line for the entire day." Talk about rude. Alice quickly mumbled an apology and handed me in my schedule and a map of the school along with my locker combination.

"Good luck Elenora Snow!" She yelled after me when I turned around to leave. I looked back and smiled a little. I don't know why but it made me feel all warm inside to think that my mom and dad might've walked around these halls too. Maybe they even met here. Fell in love right at this spot.

I looked around my map and saw that the lockers are here on this floor. And so is the cafeteria, library and a few rooms only for students and their clubs. The classrooms were all on the second floor and there is a big gym on the third floor. I was a bit surprised cause the school doesn't seem that big on the outside but on the inside it is quite amazing. I might even enjoy being here. There's a bloody student cafe on this floor too. Man, good job Northwood High, good job. I got to my locker and left most of my stuff there and took only what I needded for my first 4 classes. Then I have lunch, free period and sixth period with which my school day ends. I make my way up the stairs towards my first class. Calculus. My favorite. Note the sarcasam.


In a blink of an eye it was lunch time. My classes were fine. I sat alone in the middle of the row next to a window. The problem was, I couldn't exactly focus because I could feel Dea's nerves being uneasy. Which made me feel uneasy and nauseous. It's all because of that scent I caught earlier today. I tried to shake of that thought when a even worse thought came in it's place. Lunch.

After debating about it for a few moments I made a decision. I will just take my lunch from my locker and eat it there in the hallway. I made my way towards my locker when I heard some noise coming from the Chemistry lab. I just wanted to check what it is so I walked over there. I peaked trough the door and saw a bunch of girls. One of them stood out though. She sat on a stool and basically looked terrified. She had blonde curly hair, tied up in a ponytail and glasses on her eyes. I looked closer thankful for my sight, yup, green eyes. There were three other girls but they all looked like freaking plastics. Hehe get it. Mean girls. Yup, loners have a lot of time to watch movies.

"Stella, you better watch it now, I want to get into a good college. And you will help me get there. Do I need to remind you of the possible consequences?" The plastic in the middle said. I think I'm gonna call her....

"Heather please, I have so many things to do on my own I can't do your homework along with mine." Sluther. Get it? Cause she's Heather and she just reminds me of a really nice word. Hehe. I'm so funny I sometimes even surprise myself.

Get it together Nora! Go help her!

What? I can't do that! What about staying on the low and not drawing attention?

Hey, that's your rule not mine, if it were up to me I would want everyone to meet such an adorable pup like me.

Haha pup, you are hilarious, more like a bear, grizzly.

You can't leave her here Nora, God knows what they'll do to her.

You are so annoying sometimes. You lovestruck grizzly!

Heeey, we'll talk about lovestruck later.

And with that she was gone. I groaned.

"Please Sluther, just leave me alone." Okay, I might've been the one who added Sluther, but I can't help it, it suits her so well.

"Watch it Stella or I swear to you..."

"Or what?" I said walking over to them. "You'll suffocate her with that thing that covers your nipples that you call a top. By the way I bought a headband the other day that looks exactly like your top, what a coincidence." I said giving her a fake smile while walking even closer to her.  "And then what? Drop her body across the border? Sorry to have to tell you this but I heard that Canadians don't really like bitches so you might wanna avoid the border. On a second thought, not even Americans like them, You might wanna consider moving to Antartic. I'd be happy to buy something that actually covers up your body, you know, to keep you warm there." I made one last step so I was in her face now, looking intimidating and all, God I missed this. Being a scary badass. "Now honey, you might wanna think about leaving, it's lunch and that grass you're eating is getting cold. Leave this girl alone, or you'll be the one to suffer from consequences." I finished off. She looked a little frightened and very surprised that someone stood up to her. I looked behind at her friends. Yup, all of them are scared but mostly surprised.

I didn't wanna wait for them to unfreeze so I just turned around, grabbed that girl Stella's hand and walked out.

"That was... amazing." She said looking at me in awe. Damn it, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid. "Thank you so much." She said quietly looking at the floor.

"Why didn't you say anything to her? Why didn't you stand up to her?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"I... I can't. I don't really talk back to anyone. I don't really think I have it in me." She said ashamed. Damn it! I know what it's like to be ashamed of your own self. I put my hand awkwardly on her shoulder.

"Don't sweat it. You have me now, my sarcasam and rudeness is bound to rub off on you at some point. I'm Nora." I said with a small smile.

"Stella." She said while still looking at me like I'm some sort of a hero.

You, you got us into this mess so you are going to be nice, you hear me? The minute you start feeling angry you yell. I don't wanna hurt her.

Your lack of faith in me is kind of sad Nora!

And with that we finished our little conversation. I won't let anything happen to this girl.

Sooo there was originally supposed to be much more happening in this chapter but it's already pretty long so I thought it's best to just end it here. Hope you like it so far! What are your thoughts about Nora so far? And Stella too? Comment and vote if you'd like, it would really mean a lot to me.

Until next time

xxxx C

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