15| Anxiety

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15| Anxiety
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"Even when you have your own battles, you can still help others fight theirs."

"Even when you feel like you can't go on, you can still find something worth fighting for."

"Even when you want to give up, you can still find the strength to go on."

"Even when all hope is lost, you can still find light in the darkness."

"If your in need, tell some or ask for a helping hand, you need to be your own superhero at times."

"Even if you think your not enough, just know you are more then enough."

"You are worth love, and life needs you to live."

"Keep fighting."

"And if you need help, Captain Anxiety and Mr. Calm are just a phone call away."

"After all, that's what,"

"Superheroes are for."

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[ The end...]

After scene;

[ She looked at the tv that showed a new super vililen, he was damaging the city. She looked at her boyfriend and he nodded his head, together they left their apartment and went to go confront the bad guy, cause that's what superhero's do. ]

[Captain Anxiety and Mr. Calm will return...]

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