Chapter Two

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Claire stared at Owen trying to understand what he was saying. Kidnapped? That wasn't possible.

"No, she wasn't kidnapped," Claire reasoned. "She probably went to chase the Compsognathus. Or that baby triceratops we've seen wandering around. She hasn't been kidnapped."

"Claire," Owen said calmly. "Look at these footprints. They don't belong to a dinosaur."

"How could someone have taken her? We were right there!"

Owen examined the trailer. One of the windows was slightly open with duct tape still stuck to the wall beneath. A small piece of hose was covered in mud on the ground. He picked it up and took a whiff. "I think they drugged us. That explains why I didn't have nightmares."

Claire wiped at her eyes in an attempt to stop the tears. "I thought it was because the court case was settled and we had Maisie with us!"

Owen pulled his crying girlfriend into his arms. "I know. Me, too. Listen, we need to call the cops."

"Won't they make us wait twenty-four hours?"

"That's a bullshit rule they made up for TV. Besides, Maisie is a child. They always care more when a child goes missing."

Before Claire could react, Owen had his cell phone out to call the police. He informed them that his daughter was missing and they assured him they'd send a team out immediately to investigate.

While they waited, Claire and Owen sat on the cabin porch. "Who would do this? Who would take Maisie from us?" Claire asked.

Owen fought back tears. "It smells like InGen to me. They lost in court so they decided to just take her."

"Would they really do that?"

"Come on, Claire. We've seen what these people are capable of. They're the ones who made the Indominus Rex and the IndoRaptor."

Claire sniffled. "I authorized the Indominus."

"Hey. That may be true, but you didn't know what it was capable of. These people are scientists. They knew what they were creating and they didn't care what the consequences might be."

Claire wanted to believe Owen was right, but a part of her still felt guilty for the lives lost at Jurassic World. If she hadn't been so caught up in the wow factor of a new dinosaur, Jurassic World might have still been open and none of this would have happened.

But then they wouldn't have had Maisie.

"This isn't your fault," Owen told her for the thousandth time since they left the Lockwood Estate. He carried his own guilt on his sleeve. If he had known his raptor research would lead to the creation of the IndoRaptor, he never would have joined InGen.

"Owen, we've lost everything. We can't lose Maisie, too."

Owen held tight to Claire. "We'll get her back. I promise."

The rumbling of a car coming up their long driveway ended their moment. They jumped up to meet the officers.

"You must be Owen Grady and Claire Dearing," a young officer said. He was probably in his mid-twenties, fresh from the academy. He barely filled out his navy blue uniform. His dark brown skin was clear and young, without any of the telltale signs of aging or disaster that Owen and Claire had. "I'm Officer Douglass and this is Officer Jordan. Can you tell us about your daughter? How long has she been missing?"

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