Chapter 2 part 1: New information yields new results.

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this one's not supper long, but is full of plot! hope you guys enjoy!
word count: 1524


Soft blue light shone through the darkness of AMA001's personal room. The light flickered like a fire as she browsed the web. She was doing research since others refused to provide information.

Earlier in the week, (y/n) couldn't handle not knowing more about Cyberlife, the android revolution and who she is. Kamski almost refused to tell her the history of the past three years, using strange and confusing language (Y/n) could not decipher. So she gave up and turned to asking other droids in the house. But yet again received no answers when they all replied with "I'm sorry, Mr.Kamski has asked that we do not give you that information."

So here she is now, on the computer searching and reading everything from the previous three years. She read everything from the first counts of deviantsy, to the rise of rA9, how some went insane and others seek refuge. (Y/n) Was taking so much in all at once, it was nearly frying her circuits. Checking the time, she notices how late into the night she had gone while researching, it was almost midnight. Shutting off the computer, she stepped away and towards her personal bed. Getting comfortable in shorts and a plane T-shirt, (y/n) began to fall into a "slumber", where her imagination roamed from history to someone. Someone who had been plaguing her mind and corrupting her systems. He left her feeling lost, unable to create art without him in it some how in some way. She was beginning to feel helpless, she needed to see him again soon.


Waking up early in the morning, Elijah Kamski stepped out of his room an found his usual coffee sitting ready next to Chloe. But his newest source of pride was not cooking like she normally would be.

"Good morning, Chloe." He greets the android, taking his coffee.

"Good morning, Mr.Kamski. Today is July 5th, 2040. It is truculently 80°F outside, and will reach 95°F latter today. there is a low chance of rain but it will be slightly cloudy. you have one meeting scheduled for today at 2:00 pm." Chloe explained as she handed him a touchpad with his daily news.

"Thank you. Have you seen (Y/n) today?"

"I have not, sir."

become concerned, like a worried father, Kamski sets everything down and makes his way up to your room.When he entered, he finds you asleep in the fetal position. Taking steps forward, he gently presses his fingers to the side of your skull. a soft blew screen appeared.

Model AMA001
Name: (Y/N)
Serial#: 100 099 881
Power%: 80
Current Status: Asleep

She usually charged faster, she should have been awake by now. Kamski wondered why she had been asleep so long, or why she may have been up so late. Closing her program screen, he stepped away from the sleeping figure and looked around her room for any clue as to why she was so... asleep. It took a few minutes, but he eventually checked the computer. What he found didn't actually shock him all this much. He wanted you to teach yourself. He found your whole search history full of questions about Cyberlife, the revolution, and America. He was proud. So, he let you be.


Bright pink eyes flew open and (y/n) sat up with a start. You mechanical heart was racing faster then it should. You were dreaming. You were actually dreaming! And it felt so real. It was incredible. You dreamed of him- Connor. Though, nothing really happened. Your dream brought you back to when you stood face to face with him, you could almost see him so clearly. His soft brown eyes, his slicked back hair, his voice even- you could hear it.

That was it. It had been almost a month since you've seen him, and he was driving you insane.

Standing from your bed, you got dressed for the weather and packed some extra cloths. You were going to leave to find the one thing you found you could not stop thinking about. Connor. But you will have to find a way around your father, and the other android, without them seeing you carrying your bag of cloths. You could go out the window, but your room sits high above the water and there are no ledges, it's unsafe and you could hurt yourself. Or you could attempt to sneak around everyone, but you risk getting caught by someone and getting questioned. it seamed that the safest option would be to simply sneak around.



Hank's voice rang through the Detroit Police Department as he searched for his partner. Connor sat in the break room, examining documents left by other officers. Setting the papers down, he looks at the Lieutenant.

"Yes, Lieutenant Anderson?" Connor turned towards the man as he came jogging in.

"Connor. I just got a 10-57 call. That uh.. new android is gone." Hank took a breath to calm his quickened heart beat. Connor actually looked startled. (y/n) was gone? Why? How? Where did you go?

"Did you get any other information?" He hurriedly asks as he took hold of Hank's arms. Hank had to grab onto Connor because he was actually starting to shake.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down there, Connor! I didn't get anything else, we just have to go to Kamski and ask him. She was his android after all."

Connor couldn't wait another second, he rushed past Hank out to his car and waited for the Lieutenant to catch up.


When Hank pulled up to Kamski's home, Connor was already out of the car before Hank could even unbuckle.

"Connor! Get your ass back here! God damn android..." Hank grumbled as he fumbled to get his seat belt off and out the car. Connor payed him no mind, his fist was already knocking of Elijah's front door. Hank just barely got to the door when Chloe opened it. She let them in and immediately let them into the living room where Kamski was having a drink while looking at a painting.

"Lieutenant Anderson.. Connor... I'm assuming you're here because of my call." He takes a sip of his whisky.

"Yes. About your missing android. What else can you tell us about the disappearance?" Connor asked hurriedly. His polite tone did little to hide his impatient worry. Elijah only gave a half-hearted laugh as he grabbed the canvas before him.
"I can tell you one thing, Connor. She's our future and she is obsessed with you!" He spun the canvas around to reveal a stunning softly hued painting of non other then the android himself, Connor! The detail was stunning, she had managed to capture ever small freckle and imperfection in his nearly perfect face. The soft amber that lit the background aided in bringing the android's soft brown eyes out. His slicked back hair painted in a deep brown with streaks of amber an pink to aid in lighting. It was stunning. The only issue with it was that it was currently being held by an increasingly violent drunk. Though, it's not the first time Connor had dealt with a drunk adult, but Hank had never truly been violent aside from verbally.
Kamski dropped the canvas to the floor, at the same time he took another swig from his glass only to find it empty. Instead of setting it aside, he dropped that too, the glass shattering and flying towards the two detectives feet.

"Find my damn girl. Before I sue all of you!" The red flush on Kamski's face seemed to almost spread to his eyes, the anger he felt for Connor growing the longer the android stood before him. Quickly though, Hank pulled Connor away from the drunk billionaire and took the lead.

"We'll find her! Cool your jets! We just need a look around her room then we will be out'ta your hair." Hank walked off, Connor close in toe. Once out of earshot, Connor set a hand on the lieutenant's shoulder.

"Lieutenant, I may have an idea where she could be heading currently. But I am unsure." His LED spun around in yellow as his thoughts raced. Anderson stood outside of (y/n)'s door with his arms crossed.

"Alright. Let's hear it," Hank stood patiently. Connor took a moment to word it, "Well, that painting. It was of me. And our first interaction, you may not have been there but she seemed distracted by me. And seeing as I work for two agencies now, there are two places she may have gone. The police station or Cyberlife tower. She has no other family because she's not... Human. But, again, I am unsure." Connor explained, thinking back to everything he knew about her. Which in hindsight, wasn't very much. Hank nodded his head and thought about what the android had laid out.

"Well, it's somethin'. We should check in here just in case there might be another option." Hank proceeded to enter (y/n)'s room without hesitation, but stopped dead in his tracks. Connor had to catch himself from running into Anderson due to the abruptness. In short, they had a lot to sift through.

a new android? {Connor X reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora