Chapter 2

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Marina's POV

"He's coming soon! I can feel him!" Kristy clung gently to my arm, staying very conscious on how delicate I am.

I just silently smile at her. We are waiting for Devon on the front porch of the pack house along with Vernon and Jackson standing on the other side. The two are exceptionally quiet, especially when Devon's truck came into view.

Kristy made a girly squeal and let go of my arm to run over to her mate who had just parked the car, tackling him over and showering his face in kisses.

I smile silently at the two, hoping for their happiness to last forever.

**When we find our mate we can be that happy.** Claris spoke softly, since today I was even struggling to stay standing.

**If we even live to see our mate.** I add, getting a grunt from my wolf.

"Remember, not a word." Vernon grumbled as he walked down the stairs to greet his beta who was hand-in-hand with his mate.

I froze, feeling my nerves sky-rocket as a cold-sweat started to form. I had to stop my involuntary shaking as Jackson walked past me to greet our brother.

"Devon!" Jackson ran up to him, giving him a brotherly hug. Jackson still treats Devon as his idol. When we were little, Jackson used to follow him like a lost puppy.

"Hey Jackie," Devon teased, a calm smile spreading on his face as Kristy hurried over to my side. Vernon stayed back and watched her closely.

Her happy face quickly turned worried when she saw my appearance.

"Rini, what's wrong?" She asked in a frantic whisper. No matter how quiet she was, Devon still noticed her suddenly concerned behavior. "Marina talk to me." She begged silently as the boys made their way over to us.

"Kris, what's the matter?" Devon asked with almost the same frantic tone, seeing his mate in a panic.

She spun around, glaring daggers at Jackson who stood very close to Devon, but I grabbed her arm in almost a violent manner.

"Don't say anything." I whispered in almost a painful wheeze. My chest felt like it was on fire, and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. My vision started getting spotty as the feeling in my legs started to fade.

"Oh my god," I could barely hear Kristy who was now facing me and desperately holding me up. "Marina!"

With that my eyes rolled into my head and my legs finally gave out.

**Marina.** Claris's voice felt distant even though she is quite literally in my head.

**Claris I feel like I can't move.** I could feel my finger twitch, but nothing else at the rest of my body.

**Well it's probably hard to move when your brother is holding you like you're dead.**

**Devon?** I questioned, still feeling nothing.

**Yes, and he's quite furious.**

**Is it still today?** I awkwardly asked.

**Yes, and you still have one more day.**

**It's going to be harder now that Devon is here and angry.**

**Perhaps, but you are clever. You'll figure it out.**

**I hope.** I finally felt my body come back to life, letting my eyes fluttered open to see Devon's almost red face and black eyes yelling at someone. Kristy was behind him and close enough to stoke my cheek.

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