**Mom's dead.** Was the last thing Devon mind-linked us before we reached the cave that was the designated area for young pups and women when the pack is under attacked. We met up with the alpha's son, Vernon, who looked as devastated as Jackson.

"M-my parents are dead." Vernon whispered to us. Devon and Jackson had already shifted back and were comforting him as Kristy went back to her mate's side, leaving me to cope by myself.

"This is all your fault." I heard Jackson. I looked at his bare feet before he roughly yanked my hair so I would have to face him. His eyes were filled with unmistakable hatred, my poor self quivered in fear of him. 

"Get off of her!" Devon shoved Jackson who kept an iron grip on my chocolate locks. I let out a cry of pain as my brothers started fighting with each other. I hit the ground roughly, watching what was left of my family throw punches at each other.

"You heard the rouge! He was looking for her!" My brother, who moments ago was giving me such a loving look, was now glaring straight at me from under Devon's hold. He struggled against Devon, trying to grab at me to no avail.

But suddenly all the attention was on me.

Ever single pair of eyes were focused solely on my small form.

"Is that true Marina?" Vernon's voice trembled. His fist balling up until his knuckles were white. He stalked closer to me, his eyes boring holes into my fragile soul.

I was too shocked to reply, frozen in fear of the accusing glares I was receiving.

"Breakfast bitch, where is my coffee?!" A loud obnoxious voice came from the dining room area, breaking me from my thoughts. I frantically grabbed her mug and poured the freshly brew coffee into it, doing it so fast that it spilled over and scalded me. I inhaled sharply to muffle my actual pain as I added 2 sugar cubes and a small amount of milk just how I know she likes it.

I quickly did everyone else drinks, which were mostly orange juice, and hurried into the dinning room to dish them out.

Once again the owner of the obnoxious voice, Lucy, was sitting next to Vernon with Jackson sitting on the other side of him.

I placed everyone's cups and mugs in front of them, getting no acknowledgements in return. And returned to the kitchen to finish everyone's breakfast, cooking for werewolf teens is actually quite hard.

At some point my hands got so weak that I dropped a plate, letting it shatter onto the floor into a million pieces.

"Fucking bitch can't do anything right." I heard Vernon say. My cheeks heated up as I heard laughter coming from the dining room. "Better not mess up our breakfast!" His voice echoed in my ears, causing an involuntary whimper.

I started picking up the shards with my bare hands, getting several cuts that were certainly hidden with my crusty skin. I noticed soft hands picking up the shards as well and looked up to see Kristy helping me clean. She looked so tired, probably from being separated from her mate for so long.

"Devon is going to kill me if you get hurt." I whisper, grabbing the shards from her and ignoring the cuts I got from doing so. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Kristy observing my hands with a emotional stare.

Reject, A Werewolf Mini-Story ✔️Where stories live. Discover now