I'm scared

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I can't help it I feel eyes on me all the time now. Ever since the incident I haven't been the same. I look at my window and notice how the curtain wavers a little bit. My heart is racing I can feel my hands shaking. I grab my phone to check the time 2am. I squint at the screen. Great I think just great. At least I have no plans for tomorrow. I pull my blanket up higher to my face. I hear foot steps put in the hall. Someone else is up I think. At least it's not just me. I get uP and turn my light on. I grab a hand full of pins from my desk and grab the corner of my curtain. I push the pin through it and into the wall I do this all around the edges. Finally I think now I know no one can see me. Tessa and I usually share a room but she's out of town. I turn my lamp on but turn the light off. I sit back down on my bed. I still can't sleep. I sit there ringing my hands out there still shaking. I know my eyes are watering but I can't help it. I'm terrified. I step out into the hall to check who's out there. I look around for a minute before I hear foot steps down stairs. I tiptoe down. And see Ivan in the kitchen drinking a glass of water. I walk over to him and grab another glass of water. 

He looks at me for a minute before saying "can't sleep?"

I shake my head and lean against the counter. 

He nods and says same here

I swallow another gulp of water my hands are still shaking and I don't wanna break the glass so set it on the counter. I push back the loose hair that have escaped my pony tail. And I grip it tugging on my hair firmly and close my eyes focusing on breathing. I drop my hands. 

You good? He asks

I swallow again to make sure I can talk and say yeah shaking my head. 

Come here he says holding his arms open for a hug. 

I smile a little bit and he hold embraces me tightly. I inhale his sweet scent he smalls like vanilla. And he's warm and makes me feel safe. My hands are still shaking and he pushes me back a little bit to look me in the eyes. I know my face is flushed. He looks me in the eyes and I know he knows I'm not ok he's too good at reading me. He guides me over to the couch and sits down I curl up and let him hold me. Pets my hair softly. I feel safe with him. Right here. 

Promise me you won't leave me I murmur

Come on you've been my best friend since I got here he says. 

I drift off to sleep finally. In the morning I wake up with my head on his chest. He's staring at the door. The expression on his face is terrifying me. Jake is in the kitchen on the phone. And chance just walked out of his room. I sit up a little bit and he looks at me smiling but I can straight through it. He knows something and he's worried. I hug him snuggling against his warm hoodie. He's still chewing on his lip staring at the door. I push myself up off the couch. I don't wanna bother him when he's like this. I walk into the kitchen and grab my glass from last night and set it in the sink. I grab a granola bar and notice how Jake glances up at me almost nervously. I munch on the granola bar deep I  thought. After I finish it I go up to my room to grab my phone. I see a million texts from an unknown number I read the first one and throw my phone across the room. It reads I've looked for you everywhere who knew all this time you were just down the street screem and run back down stairs running into chance on the way down the stairs I almost fall but he catches me. I'm crying now. No not just crying sobbing. This can't be happening again. Finally it all clicks into place. He came here. That's why Ivan had that look on his face and Jake must've been calling someone about it. Jake Ivan and Emilio are the only ones that really know about what has happened. The other either don't know or just have a general idea about what happened. I run away from chance and come sliding to a stop in front of Ivan who's still sitting on the couch just looking at his phone this time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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