Fine, I'll go!

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A/N: Welcome, thanks for clicking on my story! I hope you enjoy it!

Clarke POV

I can't believe I just promised to go to prom with no date. Octavia had been begging me for weeks, she was so persistent. She swore someone would ask me before prom came along. I knew she was just trying to get me to go, but there was no one I wanted to go with. Even Jasper and Monty had found dates, so I couldn't go with them. Wells was still upset that I had friend zoned him, so he quickly grabbed a girl to take. I was now upset that I had let Octavia pull me into something that would be so lonely for me.

Raven had also caved, but at least she had a boyfriend. I'd never met the guy, but she always talked about how amazing her dear Wick was, he went to a different school. He had agreed to go to our prom just because she asked him to. Octavia was going with her boyfriend, Lincoln, much to her older brother's disapproval. He was a senior, and on the football team of our rival school. Bellamy Blake is our school's star quarterback, King of the school, having his baby sister date a Grounder was wrong in his mind.

Bellamy was an asshole and that was putting it nicely. He always called me Princess, or one of the privileged. He was so aggravating. Any time I was at Octavia's house and he was home, we got into an argument. I took Octavia's side on anything her brother disapproved of her doing. Even if I actually disapproved too. I'd never let Bellamy win. He was pretty hot when he called me princess and his smirk almost made me cave when we fought. Wait did I just admit Bellamy was hot? And that I liked his smirk?

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Octavia asked, "So Clarke, yes or no?"

I had already said yes to prom so I was confused on what she was asking. "I already said yes."

"No you haven't," Raven said. "You've been playing with your food and not paying attention to what O has been saying." She looked at me accusingly, Octavia did too.

"Okay, I didn't hear what you said," I admitted feeling sheepish. "What was the question?"

"I was wondering if....." Octavia tried to think of how to say it over again. I waited but Raven finished what Octavia was going to say.

"O wants to know if you'll ask Bellamy to go to prom with you." She says with no emotion, but I can see the nervousness hiding in her eyes.

I cough on the water that I was in the midst of drinking. "W- What?" I barely made out.

Octavia hid behind her textbook and Raven scooted away from me.

"Where the hell did that come from?" I asked hoping they were going to burst out laughing at this dumb prank.

"Well, he won't go with any of the sluts that he's slept with and I don't want him to miss his senior prom, especially since he's up for Prom King," she said as sincerely as possible.

"He's an asshole, O- no offense. I don't want to spend my prom night with him," I said. I had my senior prom next year, but I didn't want to spend my junior prom night with Bellamy freaking Blake.

"Please, my mom and I really want Bellamy to have a high school tradition under his belt," she said, it sounded like she was begging. "And not just all his sluts." Raven saod before taking a drink. I tried not to laugh.

"He wouldn't say yes to me, so what's the point of me asking?" I asked. I didn't want to embarrass myself, because I know he would talk to his boys about how stupid I was.

After a lot of arguing back and forth, Raven and Octavia had gotten me to say yes. We left the lunch room and headed to our afternoon classes. I still couldn't believe it; I was going to ask the Rebel King of Ark High, Bellamy Blake, to prom. I had to admit I was a little hopeful he'd say yes some miraculous way.

Bellamy POV

"Why do I have to go?" I asked. My mother was trying to convince me to go to prom. I didn't want to go because it was a waste of my Saturday night and I didn't have a date. I only slept with girls I didn't do the whole dating crap.

"Because I said so!" My mother yelled back at me. "You are going to graduate this year and you are going to regret not going to your senior prom!"

"Since I'm not a girl, I'm pretty sure I won't," I holler back. "Who would I even go with?" I had an idea lately that I would ask a certain blonde that hangs around my house a lot, but as far as she knew I hated her so she'd never go with me.

"What about one of Octavia's friends? Maybe that blonde girl?" She yells up the stair way. I can just imagine her wiggling her eyebrows at me. My mother just read my mind! I thought to myself.

Out loud I asked, "Princess? Why the hell would I go with her?"

"Watch your tongue young man," she said now standing in my door way. "She's a very sweet girl and as far as I know you haven't screwed things up with her yet."

"What are you talking about," I ask genuinely confused on what she was saying.

"I mean you haven't screwed her yet, so you still have a chance," she said sincerely.

"I don't want a chance with Princess, I don't want anything with Princess," I lie.

"Fine, but I still want you to go to prom, and if you're going to have a date, it is going to be Clarke," I'm about to object, but she gives me the Blake look that sends fear into anyone who receives it. "She is the only girl at that school who hasn't slept with you that I approve of. And if you don't go to prom how are you going to make sure that Grounder doesn't do anything to my little girl?"

She reaches into my over protective brother side and yanks a yes out of me. "Fine, I'll go to prom."

"And?" she asks waiting for me to fulfill all her wishes.

"Why do I have to have a date?" I ask.

"Because I need pictures and I think Clarke would look so cute next to you," she sounds like O when she wants two fictional characters to get together on one of her shows or in her books. I have to agree though, the Princess would look good with me. Wait, did I just say she looks good? With me?

I shook my head to get rid of these weird thoughts and said, "If Princess doesn't have a date, I'll ask her."

My mother nodded her head and left my room. I couldn't believe I had just agreed to ask Clarke "Princess" Griffin to prom. I began planning how I was going to do it. Prom was a four weeks away, but I wanted to ease into being more than just a friend kind of prom date.

I would have to think about that later, because if I didn't get my butt moving, I was going to be late for my afternoon classes. I quickly grab my book bag, get in my car, and drive to school.

A/N: So yeah, that's the beginning of my Bellarke Prom AU. Hope you keep reading!

Princess, will you go to Prom with me?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz