Chapter 13

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It's been thirty minutes, you calculate quickly as you look down at the small screen of your watch, not that it mattered as space seemed to have no time. Thirty long minutes that you had been wandering the castle, not knowing where you were going, only vaguely remembering corridors and specific rooms. The castle went dark. The battle must no have gone well, you concluded as your heart rate increased dramatically. The lights came back on, this time the corridors were filled with a purple haze instead of the blue normal altean light. A take over? You froze, not really sure as you thought quickly. You clicked your tongue, finally impatient to your 'lost' status. It was time to be found. 

"Y/N!" Someone was calling you, Keith you decided as you stayed put and waited. He stopped, his hair messy and his armor scratched and dirtied. Who knew battles could happen in thirty minutes. "You've been gone 3 hours! Where have you been?" You frowned, raising your finger in question. 

"I've been gone thirty minutes."

"No you haven't. We've fought the beast, we've had a celebration and the castle has been taken over and retaken, also I might add Lance is in a healing pod- wait- how in the hell do you miss the fall of the castle?" You shrugged. "How didn't they detect you? Lance and Shiro could have died! Pidge could have died! We all could have died, and you were wandering the castle." He scoffed at you. 

"I'm telling you I've been gone thirty minutes, Check my watch if you don't believe me." You stretched your arm out, bearing your arm for him to look. "And I'm seriously concerned because you couldn't have done that within like three hours." His eyes squinted at you.

"Are you pulling my leg?" He took your arm, looking down at the clock face. 

"No. I checked the time. It was 1:30 pm and now it's 2am, unless it's been like a day, which I don't think so, because I've been checking every 10 minutes." Keith's frown deepened. 

"You okay?" 

"Yes. Although your freaking me out." You hissed, your eyes turning to slits as you studied him. 

"No. You're not okay. Come with me." He took your hand roughly and began to drag you around the corridors, obviously knowing where he was. Your heart was now hammering around in panic. Time slowed. Keith slowed. Your clock slowed. You only noticed it because of Keith, his usual quickness and attentiveness that was about him usually seemed to disappear, everything about him slowed. And just like it had come, time came back to itself and everything became normal. You stopped, Keith as still speeding in front of you, your hand still in yours. He grunted while almost dislocating your arm. 

"Did you feel that?" You asked. 

"No. Now come on. Allura will know something about that." You looked down at your watch. 

"It says that it's 3." You eyes lifted to come in contact with Keith's. 

"Your watch is broken." Keith hissed as he took your hand again and marched you down the hallway, this time looking back to see if you were okay. 

"I'm telling you Keith! It's not broken!" You complained loudly, your arm now sore from where he had pulled it to hard. 

"Then how on Earth did we do a 10 minute walk in an hour? It's broken, Y/N" He turned to you now, only stopping to take the watch from you and putting it into his other hand. "Your confused. Maybe you knocked your head."Really? There were multiple conclusions that could easily explain this, that was what your head told you anyway. Your heart wasn't to keen on the idea. 

"Can I have my watch?"

"No." Keith's hand squeezed yours. It was then that you appreciated his beauty. Everything about him was attractive. His hair, even his stupid mullet that you thought suited him. Once your father had a mullet, you even remembered it now. You had laughed at the photos when you had been younger, shouting at him 'You had a girls haircut!' and which he would reply to 'Your mother liked me with that hair'. Your throat clogged with tears. You closed your eyes. It was not the time to think of them. You opened your eyes. "Allura?" Keith asked as he poked his head through the door, she turned around and smiled. 

"Yes Keith."

"I found Y/N"

"Where was she?" Allura asked, her voice relieved. Keith pulled you inside with him. Allura smiled. 

"Allura. She was lost. She thought it had been thirty minutes." 

"Well time flies when you're having fun." Allura commented, "I'm just glad that your safe Y/N" She smiled at you. You gave a face to Keith. 

"See no big deal."


Ummm a very short chapter.... sorry. 

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