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~  a few months earlier ~

"This letter is my new way. In this letter is informantio about my father, howI've never met. Calm down Serpin. It file be fine, don't worry. I reading!" said yourself.

It's moment changed her life. She learned the truth. She have to met her father and his family. Unfortunately, but Sarpin's mom died in accident of cars. Then girls is hereself. In world she had olny father, who don't know about Serpin.

Girls had personality imperious like her father. She was very strong. She loved justice and she wanted this for pepole, but she like plot againsta her enemys. This fire in her eyes, when she tasted revenge on her enemy.

Serpin was young, when her mom died. She can't live witout mother, who was all for dauther. Honest love mother to dauther.

"It'll be yours new life Serpin...Allah please! I hope that my father'll be good human. Please!" wispered youself. She must sort out thinks. She was curios, who is her father? How he has personality? Will he know who she is? Will he recognizne her?

She can't sleep. She thought about dad all the time. She couldn't wait, when she meet with dad.

Next day. Her mom's friend came so that go with Serpin to home her father. She couldn't wait. Her hand was hot. She tried not to cried, but she alredy wanted to see her family.

Several hours have passed, when she was on this pleace. Nobody knew who she is. She left with car. Serpin stood before door and knocked. She waited, when this older woman opened her door.

"Who you are? Are you Aksin and Karaca's fiend?" women asked.

"No. I came to Yamac bey" Serpin said. Older woman went to call he. Serpin don't know, what tell to father, when she see he. 

Then in door stand tall men. It's Yamac, Serpin's father. She recognize her father, she saw his photo, when he was with her mother.

"You looking for me?" asked. His eyes in this were glow like in her eyes. She had his eyes. Identical look. Justice and risk in eyes. She felt that this men is her father. She felt this intimacy.

"Yamac bey? I am...Are you rember Irem?" Serpin asked.

"Yes. She was my girfrend. Why you want to know it?" He was worried.

Serpin can't sort out thier thinks. She can't tell the truth. She was scared that she'll be mocked. She isn't have words, so as tell the truth.

"Are you hear?" Yamac laughed

"Yes, I are. Sorry, but I am...I am Irem's dauther. You are my fether, Yamac bey" Serpin cried. Tear on her face like perals. Ther shine on her cheekas. Yamac look at young women, when he saw in her eyes thier ex girlfrend. She was very similar to Irem.

"What?! Sorry, but Irem said that you died after brith" Yamac don't understant what happends. His dauther live! Irem lied, when tell about died thier dauther. Yamac want to cry. He can't believe that this girls is his lost dauther.

"Mom said about you. She said that you is very loved and kind person. She don't know, why lied about me. But I am here. I am here with you, dad. I asked Allah, so as meet with you" Serpin said to Yamac.

"What hapends with Irem?" Yamac asked.

"She...She died, becouse I have to came here. She don't want to so as I was alone in this world" wispered. Girls was scared. She was lost, Yamac was final person for her.

"I'm sorry. Go to me, dauther" Yamac huged his dauther. She smiled, when felt intmacy her dad. "What your name?" asked.

"I'm Serpin" said. Yamac let her intro home. He want to punish your dauther. He was very happy, that Serpin found the Yamac. He carried to living room. Here were whole family. Serpin took her suticase and followed the Yamac to living room. When girls crossed by way of takeoff. Eyessight of householder were on Serpin.

"Who she is?" Serpin heard thier wispers. Yamac ready to hug her. He was happy, he had dauther, who wanted to meet with his. Whole householder stand up, when Yamac is huging his dauther.

Oldest women, who Serpin met before, she came to Yamac and look at Serpin, who was scared.

"Yamac, who she is?" woman asked. When Yamac grab the Serpin's hand.

"Mother and whole family, Sena, she is Serpin, my douther"

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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