Chapter 3: The sleep over

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I went out and locked the door and entered his car.. He was driving with his friend Lucas. I greeted and we drove off to his house.. Went well got there , Alexs friends were outside drinking.. He parked the car near the house door and his friend went to the rest of the guys.. Alex came around and opened the door for me.. The way I was blushing. I got out and went in the house he showed me a room.. I went in and took off my shoes and charged my phone.. While i was still charging i called a friend of mine that went to london for the long weekend.. We spoke for like an hour and when I was done .. Alex entered the room and layed next on the bed.. I put my phone away and we started kissing with so much passion .. He stopped and went outside to his friends.. A few minutes later he came in the house and locked the door. Came into the room and said "don't get too comfortable this is not your room, follow me" I laughed and took my phone and shoes and followed him. We entered another room and he said "this is your room" with his signature smirk. I went inside the bed and got busy on my phone.. He went out and went to the bathroom, came back and locked the bedroom door.

He came in bed and we cuddled.. We spoke a lil then we were on it again. We started kissing and it got really heated up.. I was scared because I was still a virgin. He came on top of me between my legs and he quickly lifted me up and he sat up and I was on top of him.. we were still kissing and he took off my top and bra then placed me slowly on my back on the bed and slowly took off my skirt and he undressed himself.. We did it .. I broke my virginity ,it was so painful but I kinda enjoyed.. We drifted off to sleep afterwards . I woke up the following morning and dressed up. I woke him up "wake up sleepy head" I kissed his cheeks and he smiled, omg he looks cute when he wakes up.. "Morning sunshine" he said. "Please take me home i have somewhere I have to go today" I said.. "Okay babe" he got dressed and took me home. Got home and took a shower..

In the shower I've been thinking about how much I love this guy and the way he makes me feel. I've never loved someone the way I love him before. By thinking about him I just get chills all over my body. I got out of the shower and dressed up and just layed on my bed and I drifted off to sleep.. My phone buzzed and I saw a text from Alex :

"Hey babe .. I hope you good , I just want to thank you about last night.. It was magical.. I love you and enjoy your day , call me later

Alex xxx"

Oh my gosh I'm so in love.. I decided to text him back : "hey I'm good :) and i enjoyed last night too and I'll call you , I promise

Beth xxx"

I checked the time and it was half past 3pm.. Shoot I was late for the event I was suppose to attend by my cousins house but I told myself I'm no longer going so i went back to sleep. After that long ass sleep I woke up after 9pm and checked my phone , but no messages. I made myself something to eat and I watched TV the whole night.. Ohh and I remembered I'd promised to call Alex.. I dailed his number and got no answer.. I tried 5 more times and it went straight to voicemail after that.. I went upstairs and went straight to bed and thought maybe Alex was asleep already.. I drifted off to sleep..


Days passed and weeks passed and Alex and I were still good and happy. the year was coming to an end and I didnt want that because Alex was going to college the following year.. I didn't want to think about that idea because every time I did, I cried and hurt my feelings..

It was on a friday night when Alex wanted to meet up with me at night. The time was after 12am.. I sneaked out the back door and Alex was waiting for me outside.. We took a drive around and we stopped near his house. We spoke and we cuddled up at the back sit of his car and we ended up doing it.. That was the craziest thing I've done so far but I did it and loved it because it was him doing it in the car. We drove around chit chatting and he took me home after 3am . i went straight to bed and dozed off.


It was exam time and Alex was very scarce and I understood. He texted every night before he went to bed and every morning when he wakes up. I appreciated that a lot. Days went by very fast and exams were over..



The year came to an end and Alex and I were still good and happy. But I was sad that he was going to college the next year.. My holiday was nice but I missed alex so much.. He called almost every day and that made me fall in love with him even more..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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